Did they remove the tcave mark quest?


i haven’t seen the quest in like a month now, and i got 4 marks. am i just unlucky?


they didn’t.


sad oof


Yeah, I had one last week too. I personally only hold on to two marks because of the rarity of the quest, as I normally find more than the quest that pops up. I just leave the marks on the ground, sadly…


I got three of that quest in a row this past week. It’s just rng. (Now this game just needs to give me some Nest quests; I’ve had those marks for about a month now…)


I literally just validated one, so it definitely still exists, I guess you’re just kinda unlucky.


I had one two days ago, you’re just unlucky.


Yesterday I got it but I never got that marks for it. Today I didn’t get it and I’ve found 3 tcaves…


I had two in a row, yesterday and today. Used a key for yesterday’s as was running out of time, but did one someone called today. I hardly ever bother collecting the marks in case of a Quest, I collect keys in my Gift Chest instead.


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