Discord PoPz


Realm of PoPz

The Realm of PoPz is a discord server that pops keys every weekend. (10 - 50)
Each key popped has a good amount of people - enough to get soulbound in!


To enter, you need to pay 1 life to a founder, this will give you the member role There is a Deca ring giveaway every week for the members.

As a bonus, you can pay 3 extra life to earn the Donator role, the donator role has access to private dungeons, 4x more chances on Giveaways publics, and can access an extra giveaway of 2 Deca rings each week.\

If you feel like joining, go into the discord.


Can you n


wow! Is this a chance for me to get scammed!
I’m ready!




Warning: Fivert is a scammer. I paid for a role called “White donator”, which Fivert said had a 8x chance on giveaways, and also cost 8 life. After I exposed him by saying that the giveaway bot can’t do chances, because I’m familiar with it, he said his friend was a “dev” of the bot and that he programmed it recently to be able to put in chances in the bot. He gave me a random discord from the server, who I know is not the dev, because on the giveaway site the dev is dragrosh, and after saying this to Fivert, he banned me and would not reply to DMs. Call me a liar, but I’m warning you, don’t be sorry later.

Pretty much, there are around 10 other “White donator” who also paid life for the role. They all have been scammed. This is a method of gaining wealth that Fivert has created. Also, there is a role called “Donator” which he claims is 4x chance, and costs 2 life, and there are well over 20 of this role, and Fivert scammed them all.

TLDR; Fivert is a scammer, and scammed over 30 people to acquire 100+ life. DO NOT JOIN THIS SERVER

Icing on the cake: Fivert deleted giveaways of valuable items, such as 2 DECA rings, and claims “the bot was broken” This is not the first time he has done this.


Wtf Brandon, why would you fall for it in the first place? Even if it was to prove a point it’s still a stupid thing to do. No screenshots either; this is just going to turn into a witch hunt now.


At least he does giveaways


Already a thread. This is the thrid, stop