Discord Verification Bot


Hello, I’m looking at starting a Discord server for Shatters runs. Does anybody know how I can create something like a verification bot in other servers? I would appreciate it if anyone knows how this sort of stuff works and can tell me :slight_smile:


It’ll take you a while if you don’t already know how to code it.

one of the bigger people over on the reddit use to make bots and stuff for money, @Tiive iirc, asking if he still does it or asking around for someone who makes them frequently might be your best bet if you’d rather not learn how to make it yourself.


Dont take this in a bad way, but please don’t make new discord servers if they’re not going to be anything different from existing ones.

We don’t need 10 discord servers for each dungeon.


This is facts. There is already a Shatters discord server that is up and running. It is active and fine the way it is, a new server for Shatters is quite unnecessary. Not to mention it’s just extra work for you.


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