Discussing Heroic Dungeons


That’s not a good argument in the slightest. That’s like saying if you think pets ruin the balance of the game, don’t use them. Bad content is bad content, but that doesn’t mean people are not going to take advantage of it if it is there.


I mean, I haven’t played on those new heroic dungeons (haven’t been on the game properly in months) and I have no intention on spending money to do them, they don’t seem worth the money or the time.


The Heroic Dungeons’ enemies and bosses should use Uomo’s sprites.

If you remember who Uomo is you deserve a veteran’s discount.


Don’t you love when deca has a lot on their plate so they release something small so that there is still content coming into the game but people complain.

Make up your mind already. Half the community says pets ruin the game, the other half complain about too many chest events and lack of content.

Yes the dungeon doesn’t have much to it. The boss fight is a bit of fun with some interesting phases. Just remember tho it’s not meant to be common, I assume o2 is only dropping it to promote the dungeon as it will become rare


I’d rather not have new content at all and have Deca focus on the important stuff.
Quality over quantity.


m o n e y

the only thing that ever goes through their minds


I’m curious whether the gold only HUDL inc was actually originally intended and the backlash in the reddit post was sufficient to convince them to add it as a drop to regular Septavius.

Tbh, I have no idea why Silex is still doing this game design schtick when unpaid volunteers are making content with infinitely better quality and quantity than what he’s done. If it’s his job, he’s doing terribly.


I’m not saying this about the dungeon but this

That’s like saying if you think pets ruin the balance of the game, don’t use them

yes, this is a great and reasonable argument.


make up whose mind?
playerbase consist of multiple people, we like different things.
people complaining about chest events and pets are most likely not same people who are happy about them


I’m personally a much bigger fan of polishing stuff that’s already in the game, rather than adding more things.

I also stand with Xakky’s points - the closed testers said it wasn’t a good idea, so did the public testers, and so do the current players.
It’s a shame to see them adding something so carelessly alongside a pretty decent update…


especially with something like the reworked lod and shaitans looking very balanced and fun, but put on the back burner for some reason.


“Put on the backburner”
It could be that they’re still being worked on after receiving feedback from public testing.


True, but it’s very odd how this got feedback from both closed and public testing, but still came out with the same problems from testing :confused:


HUDL was a Deca managed project, and the Shaitan and LoD reworks were UGC projects. From what I’ve seen, there is a lot more care put into how public feedback is handled on UGC’s end. There is probably art that needs to be done or other balancing needed. I know a fair bit of people were not happy with the Ivory resprite.


I’ve got two different suggestions.

The first is, albeit less original, more simple and seems more natural IMO. After the Boss is killed, you can pop the Incantation upon its death and open the path towards the Heroic UDL. There’s still a big issue though: You run a dungeon, then basically run the same dungeon (but harder), for more (easier to obtain) of the same loot? It just seems bland. There could be certain drop table changes. Hell, the “Tier 2 (Heroic)” dungeons could have a unique drop that is universal among them.

For example, all Heroic dungeons could drop a certain stackable, obtainable item that could be traded in the more you have. Or maybe they drop a new form of currency that can be used for more stuff? This could be very cool: Fame is boring, non skill reliant, and Gold is literally based on how full your wallet is, but this new currency would be based on your skill, since you wouldn’t be able to get it unless you could beat the dungeon. AND, the dungeons are already in the right direction in that there is a player cap, and a no-pet thing going on, so you can’t steamroll them OR crusade them on Discords since you can raid this Heroic version in any UDL you find, unlike Shatters and LH, which are very one-time dungeons (rare).

And here’s suggestion number two:

Make them challenge runs. Remember Deca’s whole Boss Rush idea? I even wrote up a whole like 20 page document about Boss Rush (a year ago, never posted it because I couldn’t tie up loose ends or make it worth working on for a new addition to RotMG) and there is SO much opportunity. You could have runs that you can run separately outside of Realms and Key Pops, like the Arena. Then, each day, you could run the dungeon under a certain challenge (no health regen, under a certain time limit, with certain stats/equipment, etc) and these dungeons could be EXCLUSIVE to this new Challenge Dungeon Run format.

Hell, there could be an entirely new area where you can enter and go on challenges with other players: you create a party for a certain challenge, wait for a sufficient amount of people to show up (to a cap, obviously) and then you go on your way and do it. You could even combine these two ideas! Make these challenges give currencies and other nice rewards that you could use for more cool, exclusive, skill-dependent shit. If you guys have ever played Monster Hunter, the system would look like that. It would be a very fun inclusion; a way to play when you don’t wanna grind the Realm/Key Pops.

The trouble would be balancing it so that people actually want to do it and not just ignore it, but simultaneously not make it so plentiful so that people just neglect the rest of the game. The one way to do this IMO, is to make these challenges easy at first, but make some of the harder challenges eventually get so hard that you need to be a GOD at dodging to complete em. I don’t think death in a challenge run should kill you, but rather, if you fail the challenge, you have to wait til’ you can run them again, so in the meantime you can play in the realm (a perfect balance!) This post’s getting really long but it’s because I genuinely see so much potential here and certain aspects that would make so much sense in this type of game.

TL;DR: Either make them a second level to normal dungeons, accessed with an incantation, that can yield you a special currency which would go to those who could actually complete them, OR make them a part of a new challenge run system (which would be way more effort obviously) that, again, would yield you a special currency if you could complete the runs.


They are very much not on the back burner, they just need a bit more time in the oven! LoD in particular is a dungeon that requires a lot of testing for what would be small additions or balance changes due to how many orders there is, development is near the finish line but it’s only getting there very slowly due to that.
As Aurum said, the development cycle of UGC and Deca projects can be quite different, UGC is volunteer work done on people’s free time without proper deadlines, this offers a lot more room for iterations, listening to feedback but also result in a much slower development speed overall.


seems like those people who brag about not using pets fantasies come true


If you want to open one for your guildies in ghall it’s 300 gold because you also need a udl key. I would have sold a hudl key for 100 gold, and had the unlocker drop in realm and cost 50 gold. Otherwise once the novelty has worn out, and I guess Oryx will stop dropping portals at a point, nobody will run hudls.


Exactly - to me, it feels like Santa’s Workshop: a temporary event dungeon, that uses a completely new formula.
Though I don’t see it tying into Easter too well…


The only tie it has to Easter for me is the fact that it’s a choice for me to do during my Easter Realm hunting process

Fresh realm --> Clear most baskets --> Hunt for Easter Eggs --> Fight Biff --> Close Realm --> Do WC --> Do HUDL --> Repeat

However, HUDL takes time, so I do have a guildie that’d scout the freshly open realm and inform me of anyone already attempting to clear the Realm, which will allow me to decide if I could do with more fame or save time to find more eggs.