Do We Need an Oryx 3?


If we were to make an Oryx 3, we should have a dps test after o2 dies, like the heroic observer in ddocks, but with a lot more dps needed to go and enter Oryx 3.


I feel like O3 should be a completely separate thing from O1 and O2.

Just imagine, you go to O1, kill him, realise there’s O2 “oh okay, guess I’ll do this too”, kill him and then there’s O3 after that too?

Just feels like it would be repetitive and somewhat stupid to me, idk.


Yeah, the O3 I propose would have his own separate dungeon. And I’d probably have it be the final dungeon; the endgame to end all endgames.


I think I’d rather keep void and o3 separate, as two mythicals entities


My ideal O3 would be when O2 dies, there is a small percentage that an O3 portal will drop, and O3 is still Oryx, but he goes on about how he conquered the void. He would have elements of both O1 and O2, like his own minions surrounding him, and the O1 phase attacks but piercing and stronger along with O2 weaken and silencing rings.

Imagine the void entity but with Oryx elements.


I made a thread regarding the status quo of Lost Sentries and Nests and how making these mandatory for closing fixes a lot of problems in the game.

One idea that emerged from the thread was making Lost Sentries and Nests optional but if you complete them before realm closes you can go to O3 after a WC.

I prefer making LS and Nests mandatory and adding O3 after WC with a new set of loot but eh… our player base has gotten good enough for it the only issue is the loot earned over the time spent, but if we add O3 with whites and more loot, players will definitely work together to defeat the events.

More explanation over the topic:


It maybe would be an appealing concept to have O3 as an alternate ending to a realm instead of O2.

Like if the group/realm can achieve some other goal before the realm closes, the possibility is unlocked for going O1->O3,(or O1b->O3) instead of it being plain linear O1->O2->O3.

Or is that just ripping off LH too much with its Void/Cult choice.


Or maybe Oryx 3 is a once per server restart kinda thing, appearing at random times but most likely to appear when many players are active. (Like during the afternoon in local time or something)


Well I’ve designed an Oryx sprite if you think it’s suitable:


Walk: image

Attack: image

I may make this into a separate Ideas:Dungeons Topic if anyone like the look of it, I’ve already thought out some of the mechanics and phases, just need approval to actually design something properly.


O3 needs to be a separate dungeon all together because it should be on a level similar to LH
Edit: The thing is that oryx is suppose to be the end game boss for everyone. But right now, O2 is merely a shadow of what it use to be and is only considered “hard” by lower level people. In order for everyone to consider him the final boss, he needs to be insanely difficult.


I’m going to make a new ideas:dungeons topic and make oryx his own final bossfight dungeon.

Kind of replicating the Oryx 1 battle in the way that players must work together and learn the phases whilst having their bilities disabled (quiet) amd weaker attacks (weak) and possibly a lot of the new status effect: Petrify as this will truly make an Oryx fight hard.


Well, its clear that story wise, the main antagonist is truly the void, and it inhabits all parts of the realm. What if after o2, there is a chance, just like thessal, that the void leaves oryx, and he asks for forgiveness, and if you choose to forgive him for his crimes, he will die, and leave a gift. However, if you don’t, the void will return, and make him this weird abomination that looks like a mix of the void entity and the oryx, and has extremely powerful attacks and he spawns corrupted bosses from the realm to help protect him.


Well this post inspired me to design this:

Hope you guys enjoy reading it and I’d love to know lore-wise and gameplay-wise if it’s suitable for an ultimate final battle.


10/10 not joking, its great.


I feel somewhat accomplished now. :fist:t5:


Not 100% sure but I think O3 and O4 are both in the game’s coding, just unreleased like the T14 and T15 weapons and armor


Don’t think I’ve ever seen O3/O4 on static drips


Yeah but if incs were less common no one would do O1 b/c loot is not worth the time. I suppose court balances that tho, ppl do discuss which to do when there isn’t event event going on.


The beach bum is really Oryx…


Seems legit