Do you yell "medic is dead" whenever you see a priest die?


I was wondering if any of you guys yell “medic is dead” whenever you see a priest die or if I’m the only one




Never seen someone yell that




I will now.


I have not in the past, nor do I intend to in the future.


My pet is the medic - and he can’t die, so.


If you start spam creating threads again I’m going to flag every single one of them.

Did you really learn nothing?


OK SORRY mister candy shi
i will not create 100 threads a day
(i never created 100 threads in one day)


he’s only made 2 threads wtf


It’s been a day since he came back.

I’m preempting him


MEDIC IS DEAD! (yelling in loud voice, cuz candyshi died)


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