Download link to Flash Projector 18?


I have been searching for Flash Projector 18, because I heard that rotmg works better on that version. Whenever I try older download links, from older forum posts, I get a 404 Error. Can anyone tell me where I can get Flash Projector 18?

Where to download flash projector 18?
Rotmg crashing computer

Try this?

Edit: Doc also seems to think so.

Might be worthwhile to have this link posted somewhere for others to find.


(after extracting it, the right one can be found under […]\fp_18.0.0.382_archive\18_0_r0_382_debug
as flashplayer18_0r0_382_win_sa_debug )


Nice find!

Any of the “_sa.exe” options will work. In this case it stands for Stand Alone, aka just the projector that used to be available as a single download.


Meanwhile, on Linux…
(had to search for miles to find a WORKING projector let alone a good one…)


can you hook me up? using wine to run the projector doesnt eliminate all the lag for me


Remind me when I’m back from Poland, left my laptop at home. (18th august) ill email you it or something


Umm i downloaded flash player 18 but dont know what to do after that can anybody help? I also clicked on the other link and used it in the flash but nothing still seems to work


oh god thats a long time but ill try to!



It still isnt working, im not even sure anymore


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