Dumbest Kid in the World? [HUGE GIVEAWAY WORTH 36+ LIFE]


ok thanks for the items
@everyone i can confirm not a scam i got my items


Yw congrats


this aint rigged so idc in the least bit what you say btw u just joined the forums yesterday lol u could be a spam account


its all rigged!

gib me fri pixie pls


;-; u won before y u say rigggg :frowning:


you troll :sweat_smile:


Is the giveaway still going on?


There is no single “Giveaway” really, Post a comment and he starts a new giveaway when he reaches a certain point. You can see the point for the last possible Giveaway.




@LamChopss its at 300 views.


@Lamchopss fri iten pls

did u gain any subs?


Nathan Stevens


2 5 1… 2 5 1


Is there anything that happens if we get 400+ likes BEFORE 1000 views? (i.e 600 likes out of 800 views)

  1. Sorennn
  2. 25/10/2017
  3. ppe btw lel xd


I’ll update that rn


mb ill add on more prizes


Thanks for entering!


@LamChopss yo, should I pm you to claim my prize or? Can you reach me?


uhh idk who u r sry
i dont think youve even entered?
But technically just reply to this thread saying when youll be on and ill try to make that time


I entered as SupermanEH, as Eliot Nolastname. I’ll be on from 6-8 PT if that helps!