Ecookied Ppe Thread


Also got spec but dissapeared while looking for this thread. So i dont have it now.




I’ve always wondered how you do the hp bars and stats so it shows how much you need to max


Under options -> experimental -> show pots to max (or something called like that)







i just lost my first jugg xd


Rip. I haven’t got one tho…


Give me a number to do which ppe next.


9 do 9


Whichever number corresponds to mystic


Good choice!


1 is the number that got picked. And #1 was mystic lol.


Randomly btw.


should have done 6 and then 9


I randomly put number for each class then did a random number generator.


ya literally could have just asked guill




Slight bump.

Doing another pali ppe.
And for this i will only show whites and maxed stats. Thinking of doing that for every ppe from now on.