Ehhh how to get sb loot in tomb


how could u do this to me?


I get a white a day so I’m typically always satisfied at the end of the day




If you’ve looked at the discord then you know that I lost every single one except for Zaarvox






i get it


well is 4k damage isn’t working for you, you obviously need to do 5k damage


uhh ok


oh yea also rng lel xd


rng btw lel XD


this one also proves that marks and pots have a different threshold




What I’ve been saying all along


See Candy’s vids for proof that mark threshold and pot threshold are different.

I don’t know the actual number, but 100 seems way too low for pot threshold for Sept, but maybe not for mark threshold. But, if you can be like Candy and show proof, I can accept it. At the moment though, I doubt your statement.


That sounds about right on the stats, but I would guess there is a max of 3 lifes given per boss as well.


Not only the vids, but in that thread Krathan himself confirms “damage thresholds are actually defined on a per-drop basis.” Thanks for enlightening me!


MARKS are not enough damage for sb
mark sb is different u basically do 1 hit u can get mark


I have hit gulpord with a t3 wand doing less than 80 damage and not gotten a mark, also the wiki page for marks says “A single mark of the respective boss is guaranteed to drop for everyone that dealt Soulbound damage to said boss.” showing us that if we get the soulbound threshold of damage, we get a mark.


I will show you absolute proof by doing this with a ray katana. I will take the exact formulas from realmeye, calculate it all, deal exactly 100 damage, then record it all. If it drops a mark, this will prove that either the soulbound threshold is equal to or less than 100, and if it doesn’t then it is greater.
Just one thing, I have never recorded anything so how do I do that?