[ENDED] TheEliteDragons NPE Contest #1 [Prize Pool: 10 Decas]


Sorted it


Swag, our only priest, is down.

Well @Ridel (and @GammaGamer, who doesn’t count), loner class represent? :cry:


what about deebomb?


I did miss him. Because he’s a rogue. Invisible and irrelevant. We don’t speak of their kind.



Gamma isn’t alone, @Prales is a sorc too. And you are the only mystic :3


prales is dead. Died to skelly boi in udl


@dbiz @GammaGamer I’m going to take a small liberty here and copy that list of competitors onto the main post for the sake of convenience, so we don’t have to scroll to that very specific spot for a status update.


Yeah, he sent me the screenshots.


‘tis a rip.


wow smh book abusing your power as leader

@dbiz .-. -Book

@XBookwyrmX now that’s actual abuse of power. I might have to bean you - totally Shatter


@GammaGamer i didnt move a single tile (alt tabbed making a ppe thread) and died. actually super mad about this because i was looking forward to this contest



Bookwyrm is the only loner left that has been alone from the start, but gamma, wig, and Maddymoon are the only ones of their kind left due to deaths


make them able to respawn otherwise its gonna be boring


It’s supposed to be a game of survival. However, I will most likely add lives and other small rules (for example, you don’t lose a life if you die before Lvl 20).


or if you haven’t moved a tile in the realm


Half are dead, half are alive

also this is fun making a lot of layers of quotes


Good luck to anyone still alive! Also bet @Zuzu wins… still am mad about my death ._.


update: gamma said i could have another go so im not dead. If you guys think its unfair then i won’t


Nah I think it’s unfair how you died. Yes, it was your fault for tabbing out, but I don’t think anyone expects to be killed on the beach


update, i sat on gemsbok when he was just below half, except it wasnt coin phase. be awake when you guys play, lmao