Enemy Health and Scaling


The scaling isn’t a perfect thing but it’s also not often you get such a case in current Rotmg with more people levelling than doing a quest event.
A better way would be to judge how powerful each character is and scale based on that.
Eg. an 8/8 contributes “8” to the total while a 1/8 contributes “1” but that could be cheesed if you leave your stats 1 away from max.
Could be done via the % of how maxed you are, eg you’re 74/75 att, 48/60 dex etc to get a quotient with 8/8 scoring “1”, an average roll scoring “0”.
But all that would be it a degree harder to calculate and recalculate than a simple playercount, maybe has negative effect on lag.

Smooth! :wink:


i am still not impressed.

Just feels like they’ve buffed almost all major enemies… no doubt to ensure more deaths…

i couldn’t care less about small adjustments to LoD so you can solo it WHILST making everything else ten times harder.


I do not like the fact we cannot paralize Lab bosses now. What is the point of taking that out?
Other than that… I like all the rest.


I would like to mention one more thing. It seems the developers have gotten lost in the idea of making the game harder and more competitive, and forgotten about some of the basics which are being left behind. First off, Defense is one of (if not the most important stat) first stat that should be maxed. Without max defense, maxing it can be hard to do, even harder since the drop rate in Abysses were nerfed to being just a luck drop. Now, the only guaranteed defense drops are from a ‘toxic sewer’ (do you really expect an unmaxed player to be able to farm them?) and Labs… Now without the possibility to paralyze the bosses, the second boss alone will take a very long time (all this is considering an unmaxed or mostly unmaxed player)… half an hour maybe per dungeon? I suppose the exception is to call every dungeon you come across and hope only one or two others teleport to you before you go in, then hope to be lucky enough to get the potion, and if you are unmaxed, going against everyone else whom probablyis, the odds are against you. My suggestion is to add back the ability to paralyze the bosses, and maybe even create another dungeon easy enough for the players who are trying to max, be able to max their defense without having to merch it. I understand making the game more competitive, Ocean trench boss is now insanely hard to solo (or do with just a few guildies), it literally takes a big group to do most everything now, and that is great for the multiplayer side, but how about the ones who are just beginning the game and do not know? It makes many of them lose interest before they even learn the game because they cannot make any progress. Please fix this part of the game, instead of making defense even harder to get for the players who are not as pro as others, make it a little easier for those who cannot farm Labs and Sewers with UNMAXED characters.


You make some good points about how easy the game can be when it’s a very big group, such as vs Thessal, compared to soloing. But it’s meant to be a co-op multiplayer game, so if soloing is tougher than being in a group, I think that’s a good thing. It needs to be balanced well though for sure.

Don’t get sidetracked by the Sewers/Abyss thing for DEF farming - they are basically the same difficulty/same tactics when unmaxed/clearing (run in, lure enemies back, kill them) & if a player can’t cope with Sewers they would surely struggle in Abyss also?

& an unmaxed will get the same chance at the pot, as long as they shoot the boss, because sb amount is so low. Calling out the dungeons a player can’t solo, is good advice, it will either get a rusher to join, or enough ppl to clear through the thing easily. Or get some guildies together for a dungeon crew.

I don’t have electric pet on purpose because I thought it made the game way too easy and every boss a piñata, but if you’re used to elec paralysing I can see it could make the game tougher not having that. I think it’s more fun when the fight is moving around. Didn’t you find it ever boring just standing there shooting a boss that’s turned into a chest by your pet?


Shatters second boss (Twilight Archmage, I think) is extremely imbalanced with the current HP amounts. First phase takes forever because he’s only vulnerable for like 3 seconds every 20 and the wall of spam doesn’t clear before he becomes vulnerable, and the final phase is nearly impossible. The fight is not designed for him to have hundreds of thousands of HP and it shows.


Does it make sense to anyone that Puppet master (encore) takes just as long, and it only got a buffed (except for the puppet decoys)??


I can’t quite follow what you mean…? Both the Puppet Master and Puppet Master V2 have scaled health (though the latter’s base HP is still the same)…


To clarify, the list isn’t entirely accurate for enemies that already had HP scaling prior to this patch, since it simply lists all enemies that have HP scaling now, but doesn’t skip enemies that already had it. The Encore Puppet Master already had scaling and base HP was adjusted in a previous patch (110k -> 90k).


I worked out a bit of math to “prove a point” that cnidarian reefs’ relative total hp (180k for boss + (1+3+5) royal cnidarians 4k hp ~ = ~ 216k hp) was less than the puppet master “v2” + 4 puppets (90k + 34 + 38 + (30x2) ~ = ~ 222k), without, ofc, taking into consideration hp scaling, but… idk. It really isn’t that much less. Maybe reef feels so much more dangerous and thus I’m invested in surviving the fight and it feels less grind-y/time-consuming? I also checked out the defenses and the highest one is puppet master with 40, and I don’t recall any of these enemies going armoured ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They also all have 20% hp scaling per additional player, so there’s that.


I would like to mention.

Paragraphs, getting to the point with less diatribe.

No one wants to read 4 sentences when one will do.

There’s a reason why Twitter is popular.


Sentences aren’t always enough to convey an idea.


@Krathan can we give all chests besides, say, the infected chest (so it can’t get insta’d by a mean tablet-wizzy) 10k HP with 60% or 80% scaling? I mean, giving 15 second invulnerability to chests (or even the three-or-so seconds around lod chests) tends to be enough for everyone to crowd around it, and taking longer to destroy the chest on a solo lod than the boss (aside from being annoying, and discounting feargus) is more than a bit… surreal.

Edit: also, hp scaling seems to be exacerbating multiple bugs (or rather, lack-of-foresight in the code) where bosses that can spawn minions one phase and enter the next where there usually are none of those enemies seem far more prevalent/likely now… it’s happened twice with forgotten king (spawning royal guardians J and going into tentacle phase) and 3-4 times with janus (spawning light/darkness keys, going into rage… with 8 keys, one in each corner - great) now.


Even before lod could be soloed:

I tried a few times but never got the rhythm right. Too bad I would never get to try again.


Related video (petless) which I found pretty impressive:

On a side note, as testament to how much hp scaling affected damage thresholds, I have this amusing picture (Geb dropped it) from a 20 man tomb:


So is there any boss that hasn’t got hp scalling now? (apart from low level dungeons like spider den and such)


This fucking sun of a twelve-inch kilometre
where is our beework



bilgewater >:C
