Ent sitting: fixed?


Continuing the discussion from Patch Notes 27.7.X8:

Now that the Ent sitting fix has been out a few days, has anyone experienced Ent sitters? Are they still trying, and are they still successful?


I never saw it very often in the first place, but from what I’ve heard they seem to have given up on ents. However, I have seen a number of people sitting on Djinns. It’s not as effective, but I’ve still spotted a couple of maxed deaths from it on more squishy classes that can’t survive the full blast.


wha? why no just avatars. So much easier. Or god walls. [quote=“Doc, post:1, topic:2581”]
Now that the Ent sitting fix has been out a few days, has anyone experienced Ent sitters? Are they still trying, and are they still successful?

never experienced one before.


I’ve… actually never heard of that before?

The thing with Djinns is that they’re not too strong, so I’m pretty sure you can survive for ~a second even on the squishiest class provided you’re maxed def. Plus, they get killed really quickly unlike hordes of Entlings.

I don’t see a permanent fix for avatar-sitting but it’s much harder to ava-sit (only 1 per realm) simply because there’s limited amounts of them. God walls could work… but pls don’t give them ideas D:


They’ll try that too if given the opportunity, but they aren’t as readily available as Djinns and there’s usually already a crowd of people by them. Like I said, Djinns aren’t as effective, but they can instakill 6/8 robe classes and even leather classes if you don’t react fast enough. Melees are pretty much safe, though.


Everybody I’ve seen in the game in the last 2 days has been ent sitting.


I have a ton of people that were ENT/AVATAR sitting and a pile of others that hack. Its a good chance that I have most of them that play when I do marked ignored.

It helps never to stand still when you tp. I am always moving when I clik on someone to tp to which may be why I am still alive.


Ent-sitting? You’ve still seen ent-sitters?


Have not seen any since the update. But just a week ago I encountered another at useast2. I did not have video at that time but someone else said they recorded and sent it in.


That’s the main thing we were looking for,


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