Even though I'm an orange star, I'm making blue star choices


ive watched talwars vids so much but ive only ever had 2 8/8s

but also i have a feeling that my current sorc ppe might be a third


Play while merching via realmeye… Don’t merch rainbow pots. Merch Deca Rings and Sts so you will be able to come back stronger than ever even when you die. At the same time, you gain experience from playing the game. Focus on getting a pet with heal and magic heal as the first or second ability for your pet. Get that pet to a maxed rare pet before looking for a perfect pet. I can teach you a few merching tips if you add me on discord. PM me via realmeye if you’d like to add me.


Looking at your graveyard, it seems like you are struggling to get the initial defense potions required to upgrade your character into a “safe” range. Here are some strategies I recommend:

  1. If you have stored wealth (more than ~5 life potions), use it to buy 10-15 defense to immediately drink upon level 20, depending on your comfort. This will boost your survivability by a lot. Also, make sure to keep all tradeable items on mules to save inventory space.

  2. If you don’t have any stored wealth, farm godlands and follow people into dungeons on a 0/8 character. Save defense potions and trade all other potions you get into defense. Collect 10-15 defense before drinking it on a character. This way, if you die you will still have made progress.

  3. Even after drinking 10-15 def, still focus on defense. Sell rainbow potions for defense instead of drinking those rainbow pots. If you are comfortable doing a certain dungeon like sprite world, farm dex to sell for def.

  4. Do not use tops. A T9/T4/T10/T4 set is good enough. Convert tops into defense and drink the defense instead. Imagine you have a T11 Vengeance armor and a T13 Acropolis armor. If you use the T13, you have +24 def. If you use the T11 and sell the T13 for 5 def, you will have 22 + 5 = 27 def.

  5. Play safe, and make sure you are following these gameplay tips:


I lost my 8/8 archer in gland because I was hoping the wall of God wouldn’t kill me.
I’m still pissed and still don’t know wtf I was thinking.

now I’m out of L.bows


you were attacking a god wall with a lbow? Maybe that was the issue? Also why are you posting in this thread?


I wasn’t attacking, I lingered cuz I probably was thinking I’d survive somehow.
I posted because I relate with the OP, just saying there are others who die with stupid mistakes too


WHAT DID YOU SAY TO MY RACE​:imp::imp::imp::imp::imp:

Note(no seriously I’ve seen blue stars do better, just to tell you)


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