I Need Realm Tips



Don’t die.


Lost Halls.


More whites.


Feel like getting experience is a good tip.


Idk really, farm low tier pot dungeons until you max out those stats, then start doing higher tier dungeons for better loot.

Also, always panic nexus, whether you’re lagging or otherwise. You’ll usually save a character from death that way.


Try these

you can look up other videos as well.

Check out the wiki guides or other pages on the wiki that you might need
or check out what other people gave advice on in the forums


Don’t know if you already have screen rotation enabled, but this is extemely helpful when playing Realm. It is quite difficult to use at first and you probably will feel that you will never get the hang of it, but over time, you will realize how useful it really is.


Here are some practical tips for common situations:

  • use off-centered screen rotation everywhere, always be confident that there is no danger from behind.
  • frequently glance at the minimap in places where danger could come from all sides, like godlands (especially when blinded). The minimap can provide lots of information if you observe not only enemies but players’ movements.
  • always keep in mind the source of dangerous effects (eg. amor break, confuse). This is the recurring theme for the rest of this list.
  • in Sprite Worlds, take note of anything that can paralyze Limon and be sure not to sit on Limon if it does get paralyzed.
  • in Haunted Cemetaries, be familiar with the dangers of every stage. For example, the second wave of the third round has some hard hitting enemies that spawn on the left and right sides. The boss of the third round spawns some exploding spirits that can do a lot of damage to a leather or robe class.
  • in Undead Lairs, always rotate your screen when exploring a new room such that you can see and destroy traps otherwise hidden by perspective. On a melee, don’t get shotgunned by that one Septavius phase.
  • in Abysses of Demons, be wary of the brutes that rush you from unexplored rooms on a robe or leather class. Be wary of and assume the worst possible group of enemies around every corner.
  • while rushing Puppet Master’s Theatres, take extra care to avoid armor breaking shots. Don’t get hit by paralyze shots that shoot outwards upon the death of a Puppet Master Clone. Don’t get shotgunned by the surprisingly deadly initial shotgun of the treasure room Oryx Puppet.
  • in Toxic Sewers, avoid any bad status effects (obviously) and spend as little time as possible inside the sickening sewage.
  • in Mad Labs, be careful to avoid sitting on exploding rampage cyborgs, especially when there are confuse effects nearby. Always confirm no green potions are still there before picking up loot from Dr. Terrible.
  • in Davy Jones’ Lockers, don’t get paralyzed by the lamps in the boss room.
  • at the Eye of the Dragon, keep at a safe distance and don’t get confused/sat on by the bats.
  • at the Grand Sphinx, know the phases and don’t stand near horrid reapers
  • at Deadwater Docks, be wary of the boss’ confuse and shotgun combination in the first phase. Stand in the safe spot during the second stationary phase, below and slightly to the left.
  • in Woodland Labyrinths, be wary of the first and especially second wave of larvae shots.
  • in Crawling Depths, pay attention to which eggs people are shooting at at every part of the dungeon. Keep in mind that the boss will be immune and jump around as long as the big blue egg is alive. Avoid armor break obviously. Don’t instantly teleport to a rusher arriving at a boss room, even when they say “tp” - use your judgement.
  • in Ocean Trenches, don’t get armor broken at the boss. You do not need to damage Thessal for all her phases to get soulbound. Full damage on 1 phase is sufficient assuming decent stats/weapon, and you can back out of the room. Keep in mind the room before the boss room is potentially dangerous though.
  • in Oryx’s Castle, keep armor-breaking brutes in your vision and assume there is one sitting right behind the wall that you’re breaking. Don’t sit on the location where the surviving stone guardian throws his paralyzing sword.
  • in Manors, you can skip Ruthven’s bat phase if you quickly back up behind the entrance of the boss room before he transforms, and wait 10 seconds. Watch the minimap to observe when Ruthven returns to the center.
  • in Parasite Chambers, watch the barrels and where players could potentially toss them. Don’t stand against a wall while breaking it - you can get instakilled by the exploding enemies.

Even though I'm an orange star, I'm making blue star choices

Sir? I already knew that lol.


I just wanted to add an extra little tip to this, when Ruthven throws those coffins, do not destroy all 4. only destroy three and leave the last one alone. This causes Ruthven to not throw more until he completes 2 bat phases (if I’m correct).


Don’t be afraid to take it slow! A lot of deaths happen when people rush/are careless, and taking the game slower can have a profound effect on your ability to survive. Also, set a minimum hp level where you will nexus/remove yourself from danger no matter what, to make sure you’re not diving into battle on low health.

  • Do a lot of sprites;
  • Max dex, trade dex for all the other pots and items, to make all chars 8/8 with decent gear;
  • Do a lot of dungeons to learn the patterns and how to dodge them;
  • Finally, wait for whites and lh tops.

That’s what I did. All started with my Priest.


Check out my guide, its a bit old and I am currently updating it slowly.


Get a Heal/Mheal/Electric pet and level it up.


I’m so glad to hear you’re still working on it!


All very good advice.


I like to go solo in every new dungeon and take a hit from the projectiles to get a feel for what hurts and what doesn’t.

Mainly though, just keep farming your fame and find a pet with heal/meal and level it. That will pretty much do it. And pets progress is permanent!


drink potions and roam the lowlands invincible


Excuse me?

Am too poor lol.

Wait lowlands?


Yeah, farm hundreds of pcaves until you are permanently drunk from drinking rum.
Actual advice: do cults on a 1/8 (maybe pali with old tops), stay in the group and dodge through to the hideout (be conscientious of where enemies are, use the minimap), then get your damage in the last phase. It’s easy life and mana which you can convert into other pots


Always expect to die. Even your 8/8 knight with a deca is not invincible. Don’t use equipment you aren’t willing to lose.


AHAHA you linked my thread back when i was still a dark blue star!!!