Events update - the Pumpkin Master [Oct 31st to Nov 6th]


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Its out of order >:(


Why do I disconnect every time the Pumpkin Master spawns.


Have you considered not using a hacked client? Perhaps that would help.




Is this the long-awaited sequel to Stuck In Vault Please Help! ?


garbage can laptop


But if its your laptop, then wouldn’t you dc equally often in other situations, which would mean that you don’t have a reason to ask that question?


No I literally DC everywhere, I just like to point it out since normal Cem is fine on my laptop.


The Pumpkin Master seems alright in its new location, it’s nice to have it as a continuation of the cem dungeon. And with the gravestones in the map, makes it feel a small bit different of a fight than standard Encore, as the graves can be both hiding places and obstacles.

Would’ve been boring had it been changed into just the same fight as Encore in an empty room only with different sprites, so am glad it’s not that. I liked how the old Halloween Encore had the slight different map shape, so am glad this rework still keeps something unique.


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