F2P is kindda boring, but I can't spend real money in RotMG. What should I do?


Well, the title says it all. LH and Shatters was really fun while it lasted, but that got kinda boring soon. So I started playing on my alt the I originally used as storage, Turtlesign. Any suggestions on how to get not too bored as a non p2w player?


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Participate in events. You can sometimes get char slots/vault slots if you grind. Also wait till new years they gonna give out some (hopefully).


If you can’t enjoy the game f2p and you can’t spend money on the game, don’t play the game…

However, I don’t really see what being f2p has to do with you not being able to enjoy the game. It seems more like you’re just bored with the game period then you are with the f2p portion because paying doesn’t unlock anything new that you don’t already have access too. If you are truly bored, and not just annoyed, then you’re probably bored from RotMG as a whole.


He has all the right to be bored, as an f2p you have so little storage it basically forces you to take big breaks to not run out of space.


To get past the issue of having no vault space, you can also create alternative accounts or also called “alts” to store your spare tradeable items, pots, etc. If you want some of the charc slots or other good payable stuff on your main account, sometimes those rewards show up in the daily log-in calendar. Of course, you’ll have to log on every day for it to register, but sometimes I’ve seen character slots, or vault unlocks near the final day. It takes a bit of time, but that’s the price to pay for free sutff.


@Pixel , @megayeah, @IClay I might be tripping but his problem is not vault space. He decided to play on his storage alt because he was bored, not because he ran out of space.


@Leohe you’re right, I read that wrong

If you’re finding the game boring, you can always find some methods to make it more interesting, some examples can be:

  • starting a NPE/PPE
  • restrict your self to something i.e. quest chest only to get gear, events only, halls only, etc
  • give yourself a goal; like 10k alive total fame, or all 8/8s,
  • you can also try collecting sets of ST/UT
  • go for a divine pet
    Generally, I think you can find many things to entertain yourself with, but if you’re not having fun overall, then it’s safe but sad to say, that you should move on to a new game or take a break before coming back


collecting items and maxing chars is not really possible as f2p getting divine pet is just a lot of grind everything else is just regular rotmg routine for most players if u got bored just take a break


Get bored. ->Take a long break. (I only go back on RotMG after a few month break and I get that nostalgic feeling of play this game.) -> Play game. -> Get bored. -> Take a long break. -> Repeat.

That’s how I been living life with RotMG for the last 7, almost 8 years.


in 4 years (despite taking long breaks), I’ve only spent $20 on the game and i still have a blast playing whenever i do so. in agreement to wii, playing with buds is what keeps this game alive for me c:


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