Fairy or Kamishimo for knight


I just got a Kamishimo from Daichi, and it’s an interesting armor.

I was wondering what would you prefer as knight, Fairy or Kamishimo.

The def difference isn’t mucht a problem for knight, but Fairy gives MP + Pixie makes 1 full extra stun.
By other hand, Kamishimo gives more HP and dex.

What do you guys think?


Would like to think FPlate is much better than Kamishimo. The 4 Dex and 20 HP does not make up for 40 more MP and 6 Defense imo.
Also, with a Pixie, the set bonus gives you an additional 50 MP, so that buffs you up to around 342 MP, which is good enough for a quad stun with a decent pet.


Personally I’d use this. Love the dex boost it gives. Unless you want more mana for stunning :man_shrugging:


Depending on whether you have pixie, if you do use fairy plate.


well do you want dex or mp?

if your pet is strong enough that you don’t really need mp then kamishimo is better. if you don’t care about dex and/or a bit of mp is still helpful for you then fairy plate is better


Fairy Plate is better, but I would still use Kamishimo for flex and because it just looks much better. Also, 4 dex is always a nice bonus.

  • Kamishimo
  • Fairy Plate

0 voters

Here you go!


I would say it depends on your pet. With maxed defence and a powerful pet, that extra defence and mp from fairy plate means nothing in which case you should go for the hp and dex from the kamishimo. Overall though, fplate is never a bad choice.


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