Fated Question of the World: Paden vs Necro


definitely nothing to do with the mystic, i can tell you that



Oh yeah I AM!


random reply to let this thread go on to 100 replies


I still say that Mystic is the one class to rule them all


I still say that the Necromancer is the one class to rule them all


rotmg kame meme


Paden best class


Finally, someone gets it. Though I can’t really say that because my top classes are priest (presto)>mystic>necro, but whatever, close enough.
Edit-nope sry necro just passed mystic in my opinion idk why.


paden not best class, but after running in a circle for like an hour, i realized that paden is good in the fame train xd






Necker is better


ur necker not even 5/5


༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ
No u


yes me


Mystic master race! what other class can kill 3 8/8s in the same woodland.


I changed my mind, necro is better because it would have saved from a crystal while I was stuck in chat.

(7/8 pally, you will be missed)


So one little situation caused an entire change of mind. Okay, but how would it have been better? The enemies at a crystal are relatively spread out, so you wouldn’t be getting he maximum heal possible, no?


The reason I died was that there were many gods in the area, so a necro would have been farther back, avoiding shots, while also healing off all of the gods around.


But you said crystal not gods? Also if you were stuck in chat, you would’ve died regardless