Favorite Dungeon?


Omg yeah, one of my favorite things about having my tablet before I died with it was in fact the ease at which i could rush labs


Parasite Chambers is my favorite

How it’s introduced

Unlike other dungeons, where there’s like, one god you have to kill, the parasite chambers kinda tears off a piece of itself onto the main realm. This gives new players a chance to get used to the difficulty of the enemies and adapt.

Also, this is the only endgame dungeon that’s never directly pointed out on the map, rewarding players who explored the land (though why would you).

The layout

The dungeon is designed to discourage any rushing. The breakable blocks are hard to break, so enemies would most likely skewer you in the behind. Leaving the colonies alive will buff the boss (see later). The enemies slow, sick, and quiet, disabling pets and even some op classes. The open passages to boss allow drags from rushed rooms to crash the fight. Overall, its a pain to rush.

The mobs
The mobs are very unique, and not just a pixel added or a change in color (I’m looking at you abyss)
Each enemy sticks to the theme of the dungeon: a very fleshy, disgusting look. The shots range from curving to straight out meat shields.
The mini colonies are the best part however. The colonies have a variety of attacks that you have to deal with. They can only be damaged efficiently through armor breaking barrels, which is a mechanic that’ll be used later on. These barrels also work on players too (beware of trollers or newbies)

The boss
This is probably one of the best parts. The boss ultilizes a previous mechanic learned throughout the dungeon - barrels!. Invurnerability is often switched on to prevent shredding the boss. The phases are relatively hard at first, but after a couple of time satisfying to master. You can’t parlyze, stun, outdamage or outheal your way to an easy victory.
Remember what i said about buffing the boss through rushing? The thing in the middle shoots out pet stasis shots more frequently the more mini colonies you leave alive (it might be a rumor though…).

The loot
A mana pot is a pretty good drop from this dungeon, considering not many dungeons drop mana. I haven’t gone through most of the whites and sts. But those I have are pretty good. The scepter deals huge dps to a single enemy, while the st set is just good. The spell has a good aoe effect too.

The salt
I only have a few nitpicks with this dungeon. Such as the insta popping suiciders (never actually died to them). And also the fact you can just sit just right outside the boss… leeching… The mana pots never seems that common for me, and I get more life than mana at this point. The dungeon is so vastly different from most other dungeons, there isn’t any real incentive to actually do it. Just go to a lh raids for mana, and there are other types of gear that’ll suffice for fun and other stuff

tl:dr This dungeon is good in gameplay, rewards, and aesthetics. Change my mind.


Either shatters or oryx castle, because e :b: icness


Cult gang
Why? Drops good shit for Mystic


Cursed library. It offers something fore everyone in my opinion. Want some fame? Clear the dungeon. Hey Samurai want some slow? Farm for Ronin waki. Hey Dagger classes want some more shots? Farm for Corruption cutter. Priest want to boost dps when soloing? Necronomicom. Archers? you already know what the bow can do ;). Pally can be even more supportive with Scholar seal (combos well with oreo too, idc what you say fight me!). The dungeon drops a nice variety of pots. But most of all it’s the Realm eye…the lil bit of lore and extra npc interaction is without a doubt the reason i run that dungeon and the reason i want to do second boss.


…mmmmh I think that’s more than just a little bit =w="


After rebalancing and a few tweaks, I’m gonna have to go with Nest as my favourite dungeon of the lot. Fun and exhilirating, it’s one of the few dungeons in the game that still challenge me, and I’m always excited to head into one whenever possible even if I gotta solo it.

Fungal and crystal cavern are a close 2nd due to the same reasons, but not quite. After a while, soloing these 2 dungeons is actually quite straightforward and simple, but they’re still fun to do regardless~

Thicket would be my 3rd, but mostly cuz I’ve already soloed hundreds of these and it is starting to get a little boring. I love the boss fights, they’re doable and keep you on your toes. Now, if only they patched the safe spot in 3rd, it would be even better, because it’s a real shame that an intentionally difficult phase can be cheesed by standing still x)


Just realized the perfect solution to this: a single targeted shot that inflicts silenced + sick when a certain distance away from the boss.
I’m not entirely sure how the phase is structured, but it should bee easily doable by putting the whole thing in an Order.

Out of curiosity, how far away from Xolotl is the safe spot? 7 tiles or so?


It is a specific patch of flowers to the right side of the boss. There’s 2 tiles of flowers, standing on either one of them will allow u to not get hit during the phase provided that at least 1 other person is actually doing the phase legitimately, otherwise he will bombard you with sick bombs

I personally don’t do the safe spot, I prefer not to cheese my battles . w.


It was and will always be shatters.:crown:


nuh uh! have you seen puffagods 600 page Elder Realm pdf? That a lot of lore :smiley:


Mine is shatters because it is a very interesting dungeon to run and also just profitable


Beginners: Magic Woods

Intermediate: Manor of the Immortal.

Advanced: OT and Tombs.

Endgame: Lost Halls


Ice Cave, because it gives a good amount of fame, is pretty fast to complete (faster than most cdepths IMO) and has pretty good drops. I also love the Esben skull, only had it once, but it’s my favorite skull in the game.


I love the parasite chambers. I remember going into one the first day it was released and being dead terrified. The aesthetic is so different than other dungeons, and the feeling of breaking down these nasty, flesh-like walls only to have a Horror Maw or Walking Horror stumble/charge through the newly-made gap in the wall was unlike anything I had experienced in the game.

Finding all the different colonies and seeing the deformed faces in the sprites (at least that is what they look like to me) just made me feel like I was playing a horror game for a minute!

And that isn’t even mentioning the barrels, yet! Trying to strafe around a room swarming with pterasites just to knock this explosive barrel into the colony at the center is like some crazy post-apocalyptic scene. And the fact that killing the colonies weakens the boss at the end lets me imagine the nightmare colony is spreading all underground in the chambers, sprouting new gross appendages. And we are there diving in to stop the spread!

Add an engaging boss fight, great fame, and decent (though could stand to be buffed) loot, and you have an awesome dungeon.

Honorable mentions go to Oryx’s Castle (which really might be #1 if I weren’t do burned out of the exact same thing), Shatters, and Cursed Library.


I was going to answer Fungal, but it definitely needs a few changes first. So at the moment the Nest is the best.


My three favorite dungeons are :

Haunted Cementary : I love the idea of waves in the Haunted Cementary, and also you can get good loot, and a lot of pots.

Cursed Library : I love the aesthetic of the Cursed Library, and the enemies as well, and cool boss.

Tomb of the Ancients : Very profitable, and very fun dungeon to rush…


And uh, on unity the parasite chambers have a new soundtrack, wich adds to the atmoshpere. Sounds super creepy and dark, wich makes the dungeon aesthetically complete.


Parasite Chambers.
Doing them in small groups is a hugely fun experience, aesthetically it’s just a wonderfully repulsive place and the boss genuinely feels like a proper bullet-hell challenge, if you’re not running them in a huge group that can just tank everything


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