Final Class?


The addition of another class is quite rare and not many current players have experienced more than one or two. Now that the character select screen is full (3X5) do you think that the new class will be the last class added? There are a number of other possiblities, some that I have thought of are continuing until each weapon has three users, each armor type has 6 users, or when a white star is 100 stars, or any combination of the three.
Do you think DECA is done making new classes? If not, when do you think they will stop (if ever)?

I personally think 15 is plenty of classes to choose from and, while it would be interesting to see what else DECA can come up with, there is really no need to add any more classes after the new one.


15 = 3 rows of five

16 = 4 rows of four

They can keep going for as long as they want, I don’t think it’s finished now.


rip 17
or any prime numbers


Or they can start a new row with just one or two characters on it, like they did before the ninja and new class were introduced.


I always thought to see it complete when each of the six weapon types have three users, resulting in eighteen classes and 90 stars.

  • Sword: Knight, Paladin, Warrior
  • Dagger: Rogue, Assassin, Trickster
  • Wand: Priest, Sorcerer, ???
  • Staff: Wizard, Necromancer, Mystic
  • Bow: Archer, Huntress, ???
  • Katana: Ninja, Samurai(?), ???

My personal picks would be a Summoner class for Wand (I created one called the Acolyte for that very reason).

But if we wanted to base it on armors, there-in lies the possibility for 6 users of each armor type if it were to be 18. But thats rather odd. The only way it’d work is if the third wand class was a robe, and the third Katana and Bow classes were each heavy armor users, the latter of which seems unlikely. We already have 6 leather users (3 daggers + 2 bows + 1 katana), 5 robe users (3 staff classes + 2 wand classes), and 4 heavy armor users (3 swords + 1 katana).

In the end, its up to DECA on how many classes they wish to add, but I remember hearing WildShadow original had class plans far beyond the (now) 15 currently in the game. So I dont necessarily see a reason to be any sort of restriction, though even then a round number of five users of each weapon would be astonishing, 30 classes with 150 stars.


I don’t really care how many classes they add, but I would hope they would fix the other classes first. In an optimal sense, with the unity port - daggers are underwhelming, (UT) bows are OP. and tiered swords are ridiculous, paired with their buffs.


It doesn’t have to be a grid selection anyways, if DECA decides to redesign the class screen it could be like the character select screen with a giant scroll. They could also go back to the old select screen that rotates.


New classes will hopefully release some of the pressure on Deca to constantly splurge out new items for the older classes, because new dungeons can include UT for the new abilities, and can be dovetailed quite well, if planned in advance.

Eg. the Cnidarian Reef could have contained 2x UTs for 2x new classes instead of more items for the old ones. Maybe the new classes use a Trident weapon and Thessal also gets a new UT to drop. The release could have some watery theme, like a lake/sea themed nexus, a new pet family (oceanic?) and some pet skins, - release it all together and it’s joined-up design.

I hope they use new classes as one of the things to focus design energies on, and, especially where items are concerned, give the old classes & equipments a bit of a timeout now. Max number of classes? No need to set a target or goal, just carry on so long as the concepts are good. It’s only because the classes have been static for so long that adding a new one seems exceptional.

Something that I think is in danger of going a bit far, is how some of the recent UTs seem to be trying to change the fundamental function of a class’s ability, or are pushing it to be called the same ability.
-Marble seal (making totems could have been an entire class ability)
-Parasite spell/Daichi orb/Cnidarian poison (all throw an item that remains in place over time - could’ve made that be a new class’s ability, to throw things that remain)

New classes can give Deca designers an outlet for these things, and they can maybe now design a whole class to do that cool idea they have, instead of using the idea up on just one item.

What would you do if you owned Realm?
[Spoilers] Secluded Thicket UTs and (Unity) Support Campaign Information

something crazy:

battle mage:
heavy armor+wand but low base stats

katana+robe and 30 base def


There will be more classes so long that the game remains alive long enough such that the need for new content arises.


A heavy armor bow class could be pretty cool


Enter the Robot. He’s a lean mean fighting machine, with the def of a Warrior and the powerful capability to fire Doom Bows etc.

plz don’t hurt me this is a shitpost




my idea was 3 weapons for each armor type (due to the inclusion of ninja)
then 3 classes for each weapon type
that would make for 27 classes though…




I think either 6 classes for each armor/ 3 classes for each weapon is the best idea


i believe they could keep going with it, 3 categories currently doesn’t have a 3rd weapon welding class:

katana, wand and bow.

and i believe it’s about time we get 6th row lining down a wand class or katana on first column, wand or bow on second and katana or bow on 3rd. making the classes menu more colorful for a player to pick.


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