Finish the Question! [Forum game]


Who is your…




My grandfather’s son

Who do you think is the…


…coolest forumer? :sunglasses:


Me *wink wink


When do you expect…


To wake up tomorrow morning?


Probably around 8 or 9 o clock, when adult swim switches to cartoon network and I get to see that peridot commercial and then a steven universe episode (it switches at like 6 o clock but I have the east and west channels of cartoon network so west is 3 hours behind)


What would you do …


for $550?


Play Realm.


Who would you have to…


Ask questions to?




When will you go…


Check your email?


Whenever I see a notif cause I got phone ocd.


What are the…



(It’s a twist)


Things to see in the morning?