Finish the sentence


Orangutans are wild in bed because they’re furry and kinky.

I have too much _________ in my _________, mom!


Why didn’t you give me ________, when you and dad were ____________?


Some love , banging

I will now __________ my very own _________.


I will now write my very own sentence.

Get off my ________



Here, have a ________. It will make your _______, so please use with care.


borger, stomach full

In this ___, only the ___ will ___.


In this void run, only the redstar ppebtw lel xds will get triple white bag.

Your ______ is _______.


head, overly large

my ________ is not __________n’t, for that ____________ is ___________ly ___________.


milkshake, oughtn’t, she’sn’t, 'twouldn’t, mayn’t

It was ____, in the ____, with the ___!


It was spicy in the backseat, with the entire female realm population!

Leprosy caused _________ way back when _______ used to ________


Leprosy caused fortnut way back when Minecraft used to be a sandbox game
Yes, ____ ate a fat ____ for _____.


I want to buy a ______… but I know it won’t _______.


cock, work

I’d like a ______, a _____, and a ______, with a side of ______.


I’d like a bracer on ppe, a crown on ppe, and a vile finally, with a side of omni.

The person who is filling this blank in is gay because ________________ is ___________.


no one else, going to admit it

_____ was invented in Soviet Russia.


ur mom

uh, first all thats not valid. If we fill in ur response, the sentence would be soemthing like

The person who is filling this blank in is gay because no one else is going to admit it


If you don’t like the game don’t play I guess. You forgot to add a new sentence.

My worst nightmare is meeting _____ face to face.


My worst nightmare is meeting a 68 year old man in a fursit face to face.

When i was your age, kids like me were doing _______ for fun


things that weren’t :b:ideo games

Inject ________________ into that chicken.



WWIII will be started by __________ in _______ because ___________.