Fix - adobe flash player fix


To fix the white screen, save this
then drag that onto adobe flash player.
It should work, if not try adding it to trusted sites in advanced option.
I was having the same problem where the old link wouldn’t do anything.
This new link works though.

White screen on flash!

You are a life saver


Still wont work


For my computer it says i dont have a program to install it. So… now what?


what happens?


you should be able to just click the link and it will automatically download. What happens when you click the link?


after it downloads, try dragging it onto the flash player


Still not working for me either


This first:



try looking for the file in downloads and dragging it onto adobe flash player


what happens?


idk exactly know where downloads is


go to file explorer, on the left should be downloads


On Mac (and probably unix) you can use wget; type (or copy) this


in a Terminal window to download the current version into your current directory


found the file and downloads then what


It’s been updated


For everyone wondering, You can also use the link " " It is self updating and often works for me


got it thanks.

#19 works again for me

^New link to click on for the new update (or whatever made the client change)