Flock of ducklings recruiting! (All Eu Servers)


Hey are you looking for a guild with no crazy reqs but still taking the game seriously then look no further lmao

-30 stars or above
-have had atleast one 8/8 so we know you have experience maxing
-Be nice (No racial slurs or bullying)
-be active in the discord and in voice chat
-have tomb, lost halls and shatters experience (Just the basics)ยจ

Is this something for you then apply now

Discord server link: https://discord.gg/Eyq5pKn

Join the discord and we will get you to an interview shortly!

((Note) We are still very new and some things need some fixing but they will come along the way)

Realm on!


You may want to consider adding your main server(s) to the title and body of your post, if applicable. Best of luck with your recruitment efforts!




@Orsome ducks



Yes Ducks


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