Follow the rules! [forum game]


Heyo! I’m Blu! I like :eggplant:. But that’s only because it can apparently explode twice and represents a trap in a UDL.

You must mention either @shatter or @nevov in your post



@Shatter y you call me annoying


Stahp no against the rules.
Oh, hey there! Didn’t notice ya. If you couldn’t tell… I’m Blu! I like milk apparently. Milk will take over the world!!! Oh, and say hi to my clone: @Blubeans. And a cool person: @shatter. And another clone: @Candyshi.

You must misquote the person above you and make a funny/strange remark about it.



Hai. I’m @Shatter’s loyal servant. I liek pictures. I liek specific of a specific person.


I’m is a owo furry.


Fuck the rules. Go against all other rules.


no u


Greetings! I’ve realized that I’m still Blu! I’m Blu! I’m Blu! I’m Blu! Hooray!!! If you couldn’t tell, I like milk. Milk! Milk! Milk!

You’re not my clone!!!

Except you are. Again, say hi to @Blubeans, @shatter, and @CandyShi

You must ignore Unselfish’s rules forever. Read over it. If he breaks a rule, you won’t even realize it!
Btw, real rule is that you must say “ppe btw lel xd” or “fri itenz plox” at the end of each post.

No… how could u do this? For some reason, it’s completely fine if I do it, but horrible if anyone else does it! The world is ending!!!

Oh god this post is a little long.
Ppe btw lel xd


>:c discrimination is real


This thread got longer, but nobody posted. How could this happen? What monsters are at bay?
I forgot to say hi! Hi! I said it. Celebrate! :fireworks::fireworks::fireworks:
I’m Blu. I’m sure it’s not stuffed in your head enough.
I like milk. Who doesn’t?
Wait, am I going twice in a row? Nah, there’s a post that I can’t see between this post and my prior post.
For some reason, I’m a broken CD record.
"Please say hello to @Blubeans, @shatter, and @candyshi."
I need to be more original.
These are just random thoughts that I’m having.
I hope that @shatter and @candyshi don’t get angry at me for giving them so many mentions.
I can already see it…

Oh wait, wrong person. The profile pics were both pikachus, and @CandyShi is a clone, so…

You must place 3 emojis somewhere in your post

ppe btw lel xd


how to reuse pictures 101


Rules have been broken rules reset

You cannot use punctuation


Oh noes
No emojis cuz emojis use colons
This is the end of the world
Im Blu
I like milk
You must follow all previous rules that I have stated. If a conflic appears between rules, use my rule over any other
ppe btw lel xd

cute :slight_smile:
@shatter don’t u agree

Don’t say that about yourself


al prefious wrules u staded wer reeset annd ar nonexisten dus ure wrule meens nofing
You cannot spell words correctly


nu o

Noa morea resettinga rulesa perioda.


Ay aim sadd
Noa morea ov mi stubid wrules

nomal wods muz bee dis beeg

wrules muz bee dis beeg

@CandyShi and @Blubeans are still my clones


no u.


Wtf. I didn’t say that. Where does it say that?



here. i broke the rule. now all rules are reset.

Your post must contain @Literature in it. If it doesn’t, then it must contain the word “bread” 5 times.


I love shtter likee boodsk Bookss isd fcoasol Bwe lidske boaok Canadyshi ids dthe reagl pikashu :eyes::tada::sunglasses:
uui mussttyg deelwuaft your forusb🎧 acciryrntnt ajcivit postinfjwosoxick


Hey @Literature. I see u often…

also I like bread but sometimes i feel like bread so i go get bread and eat bread until I dont feel like bread.



This guy died from eating so much bread. he ate so much bread that he blew up from excessive bread eating. I could never consume as much bread as this thiccc knight ate in one sitting of a bread restaurant.

you must mention the character that died in your post, and if a knight, call it thiccc with 3 c’s


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