Gladiator (v4) | Game 5 | Sign-Up Phase


Hm. I’ll join, then.


can i join too


signs up were supposed to have closed by now but luckily i didn’t close them

they’re gonna be open for a little bit longer, i expected that i’d have been able to close them by now but i haven’t been able to


o ok



Small Update

  • Added item sprites for some of the items, the rest to be added later. They don’t do much, but they’re there.
  • Updated the descriptions for Memory Reset and Plague Bomb
  • Changed Mirror Magic’s name to Magic Mirror


The combatants each sit in their own lonely prison, a gate restricting their access to the arena outside. The arena is circular in shape but bland in design. One detail sticks out in the arena, a hooded figure has set up shop and seems to have some items on sale. From up top, three wiry figures stride into view. Their torso’s are small but their arms reach down to their knees. As they seemingly float towards their seats, their back’s are hunched and their crystal eyes shine onto the arena below. Their bodies seem to swallow all light, they’re coloured entirely black and their only discernible feature are their contrasting white eyes. They sit down and proceed to speak out of their invisible mouth.

“Twelve combatants.” says the one sat in the middle. “I expected you to do better than that. That’s only one more than before.” Its face turns to the one on its left.

“I’m sorry, my liege.” It bows. “Rounding up these victims is no thoughtless task, they are slippery foes.”

The middle seated turns to face the arena and spreads its arms out. “No matter, this is only a minor setback. This game shall still be entertaining.” It then notices the hooded figure. “What’s that?”

The left seated speaks. “That’s the shopkeeper. It’s selling items to make the fight more interesting.”

“That is quite interesting.” Responds the middle avatar. “Good. Release the combatants!”

The right avatar rubs its hands together, the middle avatar chuckles to this. The gates open and the twelve combatants flood out to fill the arena, each brandishing a sword and shield. They all notice that the arena has an eerily feeling to it and they all proceed to have shivers up their spines.

“The dead will not be allowed to rest this time.” The middle avatar says. “They shall still continue to attack even after leaving this mortal plane.”

Another combatant suddenly tumbles into the arena, the middle avatar looks at the left avatar. The left avatar has its arms outstretched. “We have another combatant.”

The game has begun. It’s time to make your first move. May the odds ever be against you.

The Combatants:

The Shop:
Magic Mirror
Sticky Net
Crystal Nova
Plague Bomb
Post-Mortem Sword
Intention Swap
Memory Reset

In Stock
Out Of Stock

Next Round Modifier: Thieves (Round 2)
Twist: Phantoms

You all have 24 hours to submit your turns.

DM me your turns via Realmeye or Discord (Boombleeb#2900)
The actions are: Attack, Heal, Block, Counter, Repair and Buy
Buying stacks with other actions
Each item costs 3 coins
You may not change a valid turn
Only discuss the current game in this thread


Where am i ?


oops, I completely missed that you signed up before Orsome. you shall be swiftly included


wait a minute when did you sign up i looked at the game 0 post you made uh oh


You even LIKED it…




question is, how many people here arent confirmed town >:)


Not a player, but how many coins does everyone have?


they start with none. there’s an inventory system that shows how many coins and what items a player has. it’s just not there yet, because no one has anything.


Nameness attacks HorusKane!
NyanGamer attacks GammaGamer, interrupting their heal!
EddyOrk attacks NyanGamer!
ItsLALM blocks but no one attacked
Rabcord successfully heals
Bluford, Demonseye and HorusKane all attack Orsome!
Orsome crawls towards CandyShi and they utter: “This is revenge for all the Realmafia games you ducked me over in…” Orsome swings their sword at CandyShi but they counter, killing them! CandyShi watches Orsome’s ghost float out of their body before it gets seemingly swallowed by the right avatar. Orsome is now able to perform phantom attacks. “That was exceptionally fast.” The middle avatar comments. “I expect the combatant will be hungry for revenge.”
Twitchstyr and TROLLDLLR are both attacked by the middle avatar, three scratch marks appear on their chest for not doing anything.
The Thieves round modifier will take affect the next round, the next round modifier will be Thieves again
Bluford, Nameness, Demonseye, NyanGamer, EddyOrk, HorusKane and CandyShi all earn a single coin for their successful hits

The Combatants:
Twitchstyr idle
Orsome 13th

The Shop:
Magic Mirror
Sticky Net
Crystal Nova
Plague Bomb
Post-Mortem Sword
Intention Swap
Memory Reset

In Stock
Out Of Stock


Coins: 1


Coins: 1


Coins: 1


Coins: 1


Coins: 1


Coins: 1


Coins: 1

Next Round Modifier: Thieves (Round 4)
Twist: Phantoms

You all have 24 hours to submit your turns. Orsome is fucking dead.

DM me your turns via Realmeye or Discord (Boombleeb#2900)
The actions are: Attack, Heal, Block, Counter, Repair and Buy
Buying stacks with other actions
Each item costs 3 coins
You may not change a valid turn
Only discuss the current game in this thread


well the award for dying in the first round goes to… @Orsome


I had a meme prepared for this.


so i raised the health cap to compliment the shop and round modifiers and orsome goes and dies in the first round


honestly i thought i was gonna die in the first round and i didn’t expect orsome to die like that. i found it hilarious


@Orsome :fork_and_knife:

what the fuck was that round lmao
