Gladiator (v4) | Game 5 | Sign-Up Phase




memory reset’s description was updated again


Where are those descriptions ?


first post


My goodness, what did I walk into? This is one of the best things I’ve seen on these forums! XD
I might have to join the next round, this is delightfully entertaining.


Rabcord and Bluford both attack Nameness, but they countered! Rabcord and Bluford are both hurt!
Demonseye attacks Rabcord!
EddyOrk attacks Demonseye!
ItsLALM attacks Bluford!
HorusKane and CandyShi both counter, but no one attacked so they hurt themselves!
NyanGamer successfully heals
Twitchstyr and TROLLDLLR are both attacked by the avatar for doing nothing
The middle avatar then points to GammaGamer, the right avatar then enters the arena to seemingly suck up the still alive GammaGamer. “Quite pathetic that I was forced to remove an opponent.” The middle avatar laments. GammaGamer can now perform phantom attacks
The Thieves round modifier will take affect the next round, the next round modifier will be Double Coins
Demonseye, EddyOrk and ItsLALM all earn a single coin for their successful hits, Nameness earns two for their two hits
Orsome did not perform a phantom attack

The Combatants:
NyanGamer shield broken
Twitchstyr idle
GammaGamer 12th
Orsome 13th

The Shop:
Magic Mirror
Sticky Net
Crystal Nova
Plague Bomb
Post-Mortem Sword
Intention Swap
Memory Reset

In Stock
Out Of Stock


Coins: 2


Coins: 3


Coins: 3


Coins: 1


Coins: 3


Coins: 1


Coins: 1


Coins: 1

Next Round Modifier: Double Coins (Round 6)
Twist: Phantoms

You all have 24 hours to submit your turns.

DM me your turns via Realmeye or Discord (Boombleeb#2900)
The actions are: Attack, Heal, Block, Counter, Repair and Buy
Buying stacks with other actions
Each item costs 3 coins
You may not change a valid turn
Only discuss the current game in this thread


we fuckin got em good candy


No one expects the second counter


As far as Discord is concerned (now that I have one), do I just wait until the next game to send a request?


yeah you can join the next game, i’ll probably create a discord server for the game for game 2 and run the game on both the server and the thread


Thanks! I await my imminently hasty death place in the field of glory! :smile:


Wait why is HorusKane’s name red?
Orange = 1
Yellow = 2
Green = 3
Blue = 4
Red is not a health color




Oh, there is 5 health now


which made it even more surprising orsome died in the first round


Imagine if they countered. 4 instant coins


they’d receive 3, since candyshi countered and that’s what killed orsome


instead of waiting for game 2 to start, i’ve gone ahead and made the discord server. the game will continue as normal in the thread and will do so for future games, it will just also be run on the discord server as well. this does mean you can now invite people who aren’t a part of realmeye. you may spectate on the server too. it is not required by every combatant to join the server.


dont worry, you can count(er) on me to count(er) how many times I counter


Sounds like a seppuku bloodbath