Gladiator (v4) | Game 5 | Sign-Up Phase


the game already started wilhuff…you had 48 hours before this to sign up


@Orsome… DUCK!


why have i had 2 people try to heal??


That was meant to be a joke…


the start of the next round may be delayed, sorry


Demonseye attacks LudwiGa but they countered, hurting Demonseye
Orsome, Gidey and Mynamerr all attack Rabcord but they countered, hurting Gidey and Mynamerr. Platformz blocked for Orsome, protecting them at the cost of their shield. “Get behind me you fowl creature.” Says Platformz while protecting them
XBookwyrmX attacks Gidey
CandyShi attacks XBookwyrmX
ItsLALM attacks NyanGamer but they blocked, NyanGamer’s shield breaks
PiiNeS attacks Orsome
Nameness attacks Platformz
Twitchystr blocks but no one attacked
Maddymoon was attacked by the avatar for doing nothing

Platformz - Nameness blocks
Nameness - Rabcord blocks

Both Gambling guesses were incorrect, thus both combatants lose a coin
LudwiGa receives a coin for their successful counter
Rabcord receives 6 coins for their successful counter and shattering of Platformz’s shield during their Double Coins
XBookwyrmX receives a coin for their successful attack
CandyShi receives a coin for their successful attack
ItsLALM receives a coin for their shattering of NyanGamer’s shield
PiiNeS receives a coin for their successful attack
Nameness receives a coin for their successful attack

[Demonseye] 9/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: The Rich Get Richer (Next Modifier - Thieves)
Healing disabled

[Orsome] 9/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: The Rich Get Richer (Next Modifier - The Rich Get Richer)
Healing disabled

[Platformz] 9/10 Health
Inventory: -1 Coins
Modifier: Thieves (Next Modifier - Thieves)
Shield broken
Healing disabled

[Gidey] 8/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: Thieves (Next Modifier - Whispering)
Healing disabled

[Mynamerr] 9/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: Gambling (Next Modifier - Life Leech)
Healing disabled

[LudwiGa] 10/10 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Modifier: The Rich Get Richer (Next Modifier - Thieves)
Healing disabled

[Rabcord] 10/10 Health
Inventory: 6 coins
Modifier: Double Coins (Next Modifier - Thieves)
Healing disabled

[Twitchystr] 10/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: Thieves (Next Modifier - Double Coins)
Healing disabled

[Maddymoon] 9/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: Whispering (Next Modifier - Whispering)
Healing disabled

[XBookwyrmX] 9/10 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Modifier: Life Leech (Next Modifier - Whispering)
Healing disabled

[CandyShi] 10/10 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Modifier: Life Leech (Next Modifier - Whispering)
Healing disabled

[ItsLALM] 10/10 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Modifier: The Rich Get Richer (Next Modifier - The Rich Get Richer)
Healing disabled

[PiiNeS] 10/10 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Modifier: The Rich Get Richer (Next Modifier - Life Leech)
Healing disabled

[Nameness] 10/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: Life Leech (Next Modifier - Double Coins)
Healing disabled

[NyanGamer] 10/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: The Rich Get Richer (Next Modifier - Gambling)
Shield broken
Healing disabled

“How’s it going? You got any coins? Ironically, there’s an abundance of materials for these longswords but I’m having trouble getting supplies for my throwing knives.”

Current Markup: Throwing Knives
Current Markdown: Longsword

[Metabolic Boost]
[Throwing Knives]
[King Crimson]
[Blood Oath]
[Tome Of Greed]
[Safety Recall]

Round Modifiers: Every Round
Twist: Combatant Modifier
Arena: Cursed Sanctuary

You all have 24 hours to submit your turns.


Is it possible to learn this power ?

Like, if you deal the killing blow to raremeat, you get -1 coin ?




Shouldn’t I be on 8 health, considering i got countered and attacked?




I see how it is lol


So something new happened… You can block a counter for someone.


yes, since you can now block for other combatants that does include blocking counters for them


small update: gambling no longer requires you to also guess the attack target


Rabcord purchases Longsword, removing 2 coins from their inventory

Demonseye attacks Nameness but they countered, hurting Demonseye
Orsome attacks Rabcord but they countered, hurting Orsome. “Come at me, fools.” taunts Rabcord.
Platformz attacks LudwiGa but they blocked, LudwiGa’s shield breaks. “m y d u c k” says Platformz.
Gidey and XBookwyrmX both attack Twitchystr
Mynamerr attacks XBookwyrmX
Twitchystr and ItsLALM both attack PiiNeS
Maddymoon attacks CandyShi but they countered, hurting Maddymoon
PiiNeS attacks Orsome
NyanGamer successfully repairs their shield

Mynamerr - Rabcord attacks

The Gambling guess was incorrect, thus Mynamerr loses a coin
Platformz receives a coin for their shattering of LudwiGa’s shield
Gidey receives a coin for their successful attack
Mynamerr receives a coin for their successful attack
Rabcord receives 2 coins for their successful counter during their Double Coins
Twitchystr receives a coin for their successful attack
XBookwyrmX receives a coin for their successful attack
CandyShi receives a coin for their successful counter
ItsLALM receives a coin for their successful attack
PiiNeS receives a coin for their successful attack
Nameness receives a coin for their successful attack

[Demonseye] 8/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: Thieves (Next Modifier - Double Coins)
Healing disabled

[Orsome] 7/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: The Rich Get Richer (Next Modifier - Gambling)
Healing disabled

[Platformz] 9/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: Thieves (Next Modifier - Thieves)
Shield broken
Healing disabled

[Gidey] 8/10 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Modifier: Whispering (Next Modifier - Gambling)
Healing disabled

[Mynamerr] 9/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: Life Leech (Next Modifier - Double Coins)
Healing disabled

[LudwiGa] 10/10 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Modifier: Thieves (Next Modifier - Whispering)
Shield broken
Healing disabled

[Rabcord] 10/10 Health
Inventory: 6 coins, Longsword
Modifier: Thieves (Next Modifier - The Rich Get Richer)
Healing disabled

[Twitchystr] 8/10 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Modifier: Double Coins (Next Modifier - Thieves)
Healing disabled

[Maddymoon] 8/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: Whispering (Next Modifier - Double Coins)
Healing disabled

[XBookwyrmX] 8/10 Health
Inventory: 2 coins
Modifier: Whispering (Next Modifier - Whispering)
Healing disabled

[CandyShi] 10/10 Health
Inventory: 2 coins
Modifier: Whispering (Next Modifier - The Rich Get Richer)
Healing disabled

[ItsLALM] 10/10 Health
Inventory: 2 coins
Modifier: The Rich Get Richer (Next Modifier - Double Coins)
Healing disabled

[PiiNeS] 8/10 Health
Inventory: 2 coins
Modifier: Life Leech (Next Modifier - Thieves)
Healing disabled

[Nameness] 10/10 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Modifier: Double Coins (Next Modifier - Double Coins)
Healing disabled

[NyanGamer] 10/10 Health
Inventory: Empty
Modifier: Gambling (Next Modifier - Double Coins)
Healing disabled

“Are you looking for the Longsword? That guy just ran away with it. Heh, I was just having trouble with those knives and now they’re coming in like crazy. My tomes keep disappearing though.”

Current Markup: Tome Of Greed
Current Markdown: Throwing Knives

[Metabolic Boost]
[Throwing Knives]
[King Crimson]
[Blood Oath]
[Tome Of Greed]
[Safety Recall]

Round Modifiers: Every Round
Twist: Combatant Modifier
Arena: Cursed Sanctuary

You all have 24 hours to submit your turns.




You guys can use “Speak” alongside other actions if you wanna say something during an action.


forgot rabcord’s speak action, it has been added


I don’t care how long it takes I will hit Rabcord at least once.


10 hp gang