Gladiator (v4) | Game 5 | Sign-Up Phase


nameness should have a pickpocket and 7 coins total


6 coins, rabcord. if you’re gonna correct me, do it right


9 - 3 + 1 = 7.
If you’re gonna correct someone correcting you, do it right :face_with_raised_eyebrow:




Don’t worry about it too much lol, there’s a lot to keep track of for only one person.


Team 4:
Team 4 purchases Soul Saviour (-12 Team Coins)

Demonseye uses Sledgehammer on TROLLDLLR but Nameness blocks for them and Demonseye hurts them and shatters their shield (+1 Coin)
Demonseye attempts to heal but is rudely interrupted
Nameness attacks Demonseye (-1 Health)
NyanGamer attacks Demonseye (-1 Health)
LudwiGa attacks Demonseye (-1 Health)
The wounds sustained by the attacks finish Demonseye, with NyanGamer’s attack being their undoing
Demonseye is revealed to have belonged to Team 2

Twitchystr successfully heals (+1 Health)
Twitchystr blocks but no one attacks

Platformz tries to attack the blocking PiiNeS, shattering their shield (+1 Coin)
Platformz successfully repairs (+Shield)

XBookwyrmX does nothing and is promptly attacked by the avatar (-1 Health)

Nameness purchases Hologram Machine (-3 Coins)
Nameness attacks Demonseye, interrupting their heal (+1 Coin)
Demonseye uses Sledgehammer on TROLLDLLR but Nameness blocks for them and Demonseye hurts them and shatters their shield (-1 Health) (-Shield)

Mynamerr attacks Gidey, interrupting their heal (+1 Coin)
Mynamerr blocks but no one attacks

Rabcord attacks TROLLDLLR, interrupting their heal and killing them (+1 Coin)
Rabcord successfully heals (+1 Health)

Gidey attempts to heal but is rudely interrupted
Gidey blocks for ItsLALM but no one attacks them
Mynamerr attacks Gidey (-1 Health)

ItsLALM successfully heals (+1 Health)
ItsLALM successfully repairs (+Shield)

CandyShi attacks PiiNeS (+1 Coin)
CandyShi counters but no one attacks, hurting themselves (-1 Health)

NyanGamer attacks Demonseye, killing them (+1 Coin)
NyanGamer blocks for ItsLALM but no one attacks them

Orsome counters but no one attacks, hurting themselves (-1 Health)
Orsome successfully repairs (+Shield)

PiiNeS tries to attack the blocking TROLLDLLR, shattering their shield (+1 Coin)
PiiNeS blocks
Platformz tries to attack the blocking PiiNeS, shattering their shield (-Shield)
CandyShi attacks PiiNeS (-1 Health)

TROLLDLLR attempts to heal but is rudely interrupted
Demonseye uses Sledgehammer on TROLLDLLR but Nameness blocks for them and Demonseye hurts them and shatters their shield
PiiNeS tries to attack the blocking TROLLDLLR, shattering their shield (-Shield)
Rabcord attacks TROLLDLLR, killing them (-1 Health)
The Soul Saviour activates and saves TROLLDLLR from Rabcord’s attack, healing them (+1 Health)

LudwiGa attacks Demonseye (+1 Coin)
LudwiGa counters but no one attacks, killing themselves (-1 Health)
LudwiGa is revealed to have belonged to Team 2

Gambling Guesses:
Demonseye - TROLLDLLR counters (Nothing)
Twitchystr - None (-1 Health)
Platformz - Nameness attacks (+1 Coin)
XBookwyrmX - None (-1 Health)
Nameness - Platformz repairs (+1 Coin)
Mynamerr - ItsLALM heals (+1 Coin)
Rabcord - CandyShi attacks (+1 Coin)
Gidey - ItsLALM heals (+1 Coin)
ItsLALM - Gidey heals (+1 Coin)
CandyShi - Demonseye counters (-1 Coin)
NyanGamer - None (-1 Health)
Orsome - NyanGamer blocks (+1 Coin)
PiiNeS - None (-1 Health)
TROLLDLLR - None (-1 Health)
LudwiGa - None (Nothing)

TROLLDLLR’s failure to gamble kills themselves
TROLLDLLR is revealed to have belonged to Team 4

“What is this rainbow sphere anyways?” asks the left avatar.

“I’m not sure, you would have to ask the Overseer. I rented it from them.” responds the middle avatar.

The left avatar looks at the right avatar.

[Twitchystr] 3/5 Health
Inventory: Empty
Status Effects: None

[Platformz] 3/5 Health
Inventory: 3 coins
Status Effects: None

[XBookwyrmX] 2/5 Health
Inventory: 4 coins
Status Effects:
Idle (Lasts Until Round 5)
“Time spent thinking is time spent wasting.”
This combatant failed to perform an action last round, coins can not be received from them

[Nameness] 4/5 Health
Inventory: 6 coins, Fireworks, Pickpocket. Hologram Machine
Status Effects:
Shield Broken (Lasts Indefinitely)
“Oh no, it’s all broken and on the floor…”
This combatant is unable to block

[Mynamerr] 5/5 Health
Inventory: 3 coins
Status Effects: None

[Rabcord] 5/5 Health
Inventory: 2 coins
Status Effects: None

[Gidey] 3/5 Health
Inventory: 3 coins
Status Effects: None

[ItsLALM] 2/5 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Status Effects: None

[CandyShi] 4/5 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Status Effects: None

[NyanGamer] 4/5 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Status Effects: None

[Orsome] 3/5 Health
Inventory: 1 coin
Status Effects: None

[PiiNeS] 1/5 Health
Inventory: 4 coins
Status Effects:
Shield Broken (Lasts Indefinitely)
“Oh no, it’s all broken and on the floor…”
This combatant is unable to block

[Demonseye] 0/5 Health
Team 2
Killed by NyanGamer

[TROLLDLLR] 0/5 Health
Team 4
Killed by Gambling

[LudwiGa] 0/5 Health
Team 2
Killed by LudwiGa

[Maddymoon] 0/5 Health
Team 3
Killed by the avatar

Team 1 - Red Team
Inventory: Empty

Team 2 - Blue Team
Inventory: Empty

Team 3 - Green Team
Inventory: Empty

Team 4 - Yellow Team
Inventory: Empty

“Oh joy, my Hologram Machine was bought! Wait a minute…”


Current Markup: Sticky Net
Current Markdown: Void Pendant

[Void Pendant]
[Sticky Net]
[Friendship Bracelet]
[Magic Mirror]
[Blood Oath]
[Hologram Machine]

Team Shop

[Cleaning Product]
[Soul Saviour]
[Shield Throw]
[Fluorescent Orb]

Shop Items

Longsword: Attack two different targets at once, however if either target counters or blocks then attack will fail both times. Damage is dealt for each counter
Void Pendant: Heals 2 health but lowers max health cap by 1 upon use, cannot be interrupted but can still be damaged
Sticky Net: Stops target from using attack or heal this round and next round. If countered, applies to self
Friendship Bracelet: Heals self and another combatant. If either are attacked then both are damaged and the heal is cancelled. Cannot heal above max health, damages blocking combatants
Magic Mirror: Select a target, any attacks towards self will be directed towards that combatant. If target counters then directed damage will be inflicted against self. If nobody attacks, deals 1 damage to self
Blood Oath: Revive a dead combatant at the cost of 1 health. Dead combatants are revived at 1 health and cannot be revived more than once. The revive will fail if attacked. Cannot revive combatants killed by the avatar. Combatants are revived with an empty inventory, no status effects and an unbroken shield, regardless of what happened before
Hologram Machine: Swap actions visually between as many targets as desired for the current round, this item’s use is not announced and will stay in the combatants inventory until another combatant buys it. Any attempt to pickpocket an already used hologram machine will fail. This item will always appear in stock in the shop but is unable to be purchased if the current holder has not yet used it
Sledgehammer: If target counters or blocks, deals 1 damage and disarms upon counter or breaks shield upon block. If target does anything else, nothing happens
Pickpocket: Steal an item from another combatant, cannot be blocked or countered. Nothing happens if targeted item is used during the same turn
Fireworks: Puts on a light show upon death. Forces the avatars to comment on it

Team Shop Items

Cleaning Product: Select a target, upon death that combatant’s team will not be revealed. It is announced when this item is used, but not who it was used on
Soul Saviour: This item is used when a member of the team holding it would take enough damage from combatants to die, the target is made invulnerable and has their health set to 1. The Soul Saviour cannot work on a combatant more than once in a game. If more than one combatant from a team would die then the Soul Saviour would be used on the combatant that took the least damage. In the event in a tie for damage, the Soul Saviour will randomly decide. It is announced when the Soul Saviour is used
Shield Throw: Select a target, that target receives the user’s shield. This let the target block extra attacks depending on how many shields they have. The leaves the user shield-less until another combatant uses it on them
Fluorescent Orb: Select a target, it is then announced in the team’s respective chat what team that combatant belongs to

Current Round Modifier: Thieves
Next Round Modifier: Gambling

Round Modifiers: Every Round
Twist: Team Battle
Arena: Rainbow

You all have 48 hours to submit your turns


i hope i didn’t make any mistakes that time

edit: team coins aren’t earned alongside coins earned by gambling, team coins are also not lost when normal coins are. i will fix the descriptions with this information added

edit: i made a mistake


Imagine dying





for all of you who were hoping that the discord would be updated, well i’m not doing it till i wake up today because it’s midnight. i was hoping to be able to update before midnight but bookwyrm went idle


Our hand is open, but it doesn’t matter since we know who’s in what team. Muwahahahaha~!

And we will be completely certain soon~


What was the book about


Fun fact demonseye was supposed to counter but he is stoopid


Yes indeed


Sorry, @RareMeat, that’s literally the first time I’ve gone idle. These last couple of days were crazy hectic, and I completely forgot I hadn’t submitted a new action. I thought my last move is what I inputted this turn for some reason


You not doing a single defensive action


so you read his not reading his team chat? i mean ludwiga attacked him while being on the same team, so obviously he was supposed to counter according to his team’s plan


Fak I forgot gambling minuses health


or maybe lud gone wild


sorry for being MIA, but i am am so not up for updating gladiator today. body’s aching. i’ll be back