[Forum Game] In Six Frames Or Less


Howard Hughes flew many planes
Some big and some small
But none as small
As the creatures living in the oceans
Known as copepods

Dave Strider -> Daichi the Fallen


Dave Strider has a katana,
A katana is used by the ninja,
A Shuriken is used by the ninja,
Daichi drops the new Shuriken.

Milk to Donald Trump


Human females produce milk
Donald Trump rapes human females



Happiness is an emotion.
Sadness is also an emotion.

Darkness --> Cough Drops


Darkness causes pain.

Medicine heals pain.

Cough drops are medicine.

Pizza ------------------> Shoes


Most pizza has tomato sauce on it.

Tomato sauce is red.

Red, on the visible spectrum, comes before orange.

My shoes are partially orange.

Next one: Icicles to Cowboy Hats


Icicles are found in cold climates.
The opposite of a cold climate is a warm and/or dry climate.
In the west, itā€™s warm and dry.
Cowboys are found in the west.
Cowboys wear cowboy hats.

Fear to Space


I fear heights
Space is high

Toothbrushes ------------------> Chromebooks


Toothbrushes are used to brush your teeth (i know, what a crazy thing right???)
Your teeth are sharp.
You can use that sharpness to bite food.
Biting destroys the shape of the food.
You an destroy something by burning it.
I wanna burn my school chromebook.

Staplers ------------> ppe

thatā€™s a dam :slight_smile:


A Stapler is an object.
A mouse is also an object.
You use a mouse to play Realm.
In Realm, you can make a PPE.

Flooding -------------> Pluto


Floods make a big impact on earth
On other dwarf planets like Pluto, not so much
They just freeze
Pluto is too cold then

Origami -------------------> Rain


Origami is the Japanese art of folding paper.
Paper comes from trees.
Trees are blown down by rainstorms.

Remote control to egg


I turn on the remote control
I see a channel about chickens
4 just hatched
The eggshells looked ugly

Pteranodons --------------------> Theropods


(I could take the short way out and say they are both dinosaurs, but whereā€™s the fun in that?)

Pteranodons could fly.
Superman can also fly.
Superman is a superhero.
Superheroes fight villains.
The villain in Jurassic Park is a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
The Tyrannosaurus Rex was a theropod.

Next one: Apples to Antimatter


(I could take the easy way out and say that they both start with ā€œAā€, but whereā€™s the fun in that?)

An apple fell and hit Sir Isaac Newton in the head.
Sir Isaac Newton was a pioneer of physics.
Antimatter is a part of physics.

T-shirt to Fireplace


I wore a t-shirt
I like to burn things down
Fireplaces donā€™t like to burn things

Ocean -----------------> Slime


I wonder what is at the bottom of the ocean
Probably slime

Balls --------------------> Crepes


Balls are round.
Spheres are round.
Spheres are smooth.
Apples are smooth.
Apples are a fruit.
Apples are in crepes.

Memes to the United States Education System


memes are shitposts
shitposts are made of shit
shit is in the toilet
toilets are in schools
schools are in the united states education system

anime ----> minecraft


anime is lit
minecraft isnā€™t lit
