[Forum Game] Keep the Cookie (merged)


Ahh yes, but i was caring a virus that I alone am resistant to and everyone on your paradise island saw it become an island of DEATH (except for me of course)

My :cookie:


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO the Paradise island D:


you read my “Dungeon Pot Farming Guide” on the forum and you instantly die because you realize how good it is… (read all the way till the end, it saids my :cookie:)


But nothing, even sprites are hard without maxed def if u don’t know what u are doing ;-;

So the guide has holes in it, and therefore I take the cookie while u fix the guide

My :cookie:


Oh really? Thank you.

My :cookie:


I’m hungry and haven’t beeen here for a while. However, the time for the :cookie: has come one more. MY :cookie:


I stopped time a little bit ago, so your time is permanently nearly here but will never arrive, so out of depression because your time will never come you drop the cookie and I grab it
My :cookie:


My :cookie:


My :cookie:


My :cookie:


My :cookie:



Mon :cookie:.


Je ne pas parle francais. Je parle anglais. Mon :cookie:


俺、クッキーほしいから、勝手にとりまーす〜 :cookie:


まあ私はあなたよりもクッキーを愛して .私の :cookie:


Good try,broken Japanese. lmao


it was translate ;-;


a s s c:


U use Google translate for Japanese
My :cookie:


But I have :cheese: and thus, since of the ultimate power of :cheese:, I get the :cookie:
My :cookie: and :cheese: