[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!


Once a santachu, you must always be a santachu!


I bled out and died, the Santachu corpse isn’t going to be used as a pfp, so my 8x8 fountain spirit will be



lookit this weeb


no thee


“Aim for the sun. That way if you miss, at least your arrow will fall far away, and the person it kills will likely be someone you don’t know.”
“I’ve had enough of your oppression, tyrant! Secure your wine well this evening, for the revolution will be swift, vengeful, and intoxicated!”
“If someone insulted my biceps, I wouldn’t attack him,” Dalinar said. "I’d refer him to a physician, because obviously something is wrong with his eyes. "





B ursting through doors

D irections

S peaking with doctor

M iscarriage


The word “nothing” in the play’s title has always been the subject of speculation. No one knows if Shakespeare chose the word “nothing” with the intention of being ambiguous. In Elizabethan common dialect, “nothing” was pronounced much like “noting,” thus allowing the word to be a homonym (a sound-alike word) with four totally different meanings:

nothing (as in present parlance): not anything, zero, zilch, nada
nothing: In Shakespeare’s time, “thing” and “nothing” (“nothing”) were slang words for referring to a sexual organ; thus phrases with the word “nothing” sometimes had sexual or erotic connotations
noting: writing musical notes
noting: observing, overhearing, perceiving


-tg train


GgaodziLLA E E WRJWJ iw9jtwtjwtwjtwjwpoitrwpoiwgworgjrwopgew
@GGaodzilla THIS PENINGEGING :cactus:

i dont even know


N2: 14, VB BY JUAN
(I was playing ToS, we lost an ez town win bc the town didn’t lynch the obvious mafia, and now my rank is shite and down the drain /rant)





lol no tablet or bhelm noob


do you have one of those?


x1 tablet

x2 bhelm

it was sarcasm btw


i mean, how many condus have you gotten?
i got 11 in the last year or so


1 and i died with it about 2 mins later
