[Forum Game] The Never Ending Story


raped all the hands and


Handed a handy and hectic handjob, which…


spawned a hand


(You replied to the wrong guy lel xd)

Which in turned spawned a handy hand machine which used hands to handily hand henez hands


That began to create infinte hands which were used to…


and a hand appeared


Which handed Mynamerr a grammar textbook…


and gave thedrdu a course in correct punctuation.


The hand decided to do some smash bros when he encountered master hand, who…


wanted to play as Mario…


But the console got dced cuz deca servers, so the person who came to fix the servers was…


a hand


Who cried since his uncle fraski died…


Because there were too many ellipses in his life, and he was born as


Sir Handsalot, who played as a background actor in Handy Python, the


greatest of comedically themed movies, as well as an abundance of


hands, which were very handy at


Picking potatoes for his homemade vodka which was said to give him most of his talent but there’s one thing it couldent do…


which was grow more hands


as that would be simply outrageous; however, it did grant him