[Forum Game] This or That?


Exactly split right now.


The universe is infinite. I find it to be highly unlikely that we are unique out of an infinite number of planets.


Honestly, both outcomes are equally scary.
But personally I think being the only living things in the universe is scarier.


In fact, if the universe is infinite and life can appear without divine intervention, then there IS life outside the milky way.

For example if thereā€™s a 0.0001% chance of life appearing on any given planet in the goldilocks zone of the star it orbits, then thereā€™s a 99.9999% chance of no life forming on that planet.
Infinite planets: 0.999999^infinite = 0% chance of no life appearing at all across all planets outside the milky way.

  • Bring a 6/8 knight to a private lost halls.
  • Bring a 6/8 assassin to a private tomb.

0 voters

  • Bring a plague-only assassin to a clean tomb
  • Bring a warrior to a dirty-as-fck tomb

0 voters


Melee tombs =/= possible :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Making a clean tomb dirty == possible :blush:



  • Paden supreme
  • No Paden supreme

0 voters


I literally donā€™t know what to say to this. Anyone who is willing to kill the human race in order to ā€œsave the planetā€ absolutely disgusts me.

Youā€™re not being realistic. In fact, youā€™re being incredibly idealistic by holding some romanticized view of other animals.

Honey bee queens will sting female bees in their hive to death, preventing the rise of a new queen. If a new queen emerges, she carries half the workers with her out of the hive.

Holy shit. It feels like youā€™re deifying a fucking tree. Great, they produce oxygen, but that is literally their bodily function. Oxygen is as bad for trees as CO2 is for humans; donā€™t think trees are altruistically producing oxygen for the sole benefit of humans. Why donā€™t you deify humans, who produce carbon dioxide which is essential for plants?

  • Blacks have it worse in the US right now
  • Gays have it worse in the US right now

0 voters


You seem upset by facts.

So you would been fine with every other species on earth dying for us ?

Now that is what should disgust you

It does not matter that we produce Carbon dioxide

We destroy the ozone layer, fact which effects all life not ours

We destroy habits and thousands of species, which is a fact.

We can destroy the planet right now via human invention if a few people suddenly feel like

No animals act on survival. Unlike humans they donā€™t have the idea of if both countries are destroyed in nuclear war itā€™s a victory because their entire population is dead

They dont wake up think hey Iā€™m going to kill a whole bunch of people. Because it does make sense from a survival aspect.

Itā€™s not romanticized its facts and if these facts conflict with your religious or scientific (but I would imagine not since what I say is science) views that human are perfect and the saving grace for earth then you are stuck in that idea

Iā€™ll make a poll about this

Btw this poll is more of a logical test, I mean humans would die without other species but everything else would be completely fine without us

  • All life dies besides humans
  • Humans die but everything else is spared

0 voters


After that I will reborn as adorable Riolu :grin:

Discussion with Tauntauned

The ozone layer has been recovering for a long time now: http://www.euronews.com/2018/01/05/ozone-layer-recovering-thanks-to-chemical-ban-nasa-confirms

Also nonsense of course, anything that affects the ecosystem also affects us, we canā€™t live without a healthy ecosystem, weā€™re just as dependable in that sense as most other organisms.

So do some other species when introduced to a system that canā€™t handle them, be it by humans or other means.

Destroying as in ruining most of the life on earth? Probably. Destroying as actually destroying the planet? No, not even close.
Aside from that, that a group of people has this power doesnā€™t mean you and I deserve to die for it.

Every bloody animal does. Do I even have to talk about this?

Same goes for humans. No sane individual wants to see the mutual destruction of two countries in a nuclear war.

Do you? Maybe you should see a doctorā€¦
If ā€œpeopleā€ means organisms here, then yes a LOT of organisms want to kill many other organisms every day. Example:

Are you honestly blissfully unaware of how bullshitty this is or are you trolling? Iā€™m having fun either way.

This poll is also a false dilemma, thereā€™s no way humans would or even could eradicate 90+% of other species.

Putting continuation of discussion in edits to reduce clutter:

The point you make is not related to the point I made that you quoted, but okay.
Humans are at the top of the food chain, things at the top of the food chain help by killing things and keeping the populations in check.

Yes humans are not great at this, but I put that down to the rotten nature of humanity and the broken situation the world is in. (Iā€™m pulling a religious card here, sorry.)
(I would agree to humanity deserving annihilation, but not directly because of the things you mentioned, but because of sin.)

Hard to say when neither of us are professionals in the field. I canā€™t definitively say youā€™re wrong, but you canā€™t definitively say youā€™re right either.
We can only rely on external sources.
If you say official sources are overstating the effects, I would like to see a reliable source that can support that statement.

They might have been fine with the idea that if they were attacked, the attacker would also die (preventing the attacker from attacking), but they certainly did not want to die. Again, any sane individual did not want both countries to be destroyed.

But it certainly is true that group mentality can cause people to do absurd and atrocious things, but even then, an individual who would confidently say they wanted two entire countries wiped from the map for generations to come, I would not consider sane.

Animals can certainly desire vengeance.


"what I say is science"
Your arguments seem to be more driven by emotion than any kind of deduced logic.

"No animals act on survival"
They do. They all do.

Because God created us in His image, made us capable of abstract thought and gave us the responsibility to properly take care of the world and rule over it.

I just think humanity would die long long before the trillions of bacterial species that inhabit just about every nook and cranny of this planet.
More importantly, I think that anyone who would try to eradicate life would be met with so much resistance from other humans that they would not even come close to succeeding.

Note that I accentuated wanted, ā€œThe russians were ready to die in the millions and destroy their own farms and infrastructure to stop the germans from reaching it.ā€, but did they want to? No.

Note that they donā€™t just avoid the human after remembering it, they actively pursue to attack them.

Very, very, very rarely does a person spend their entire life looking for someone to exact vengeance. A normal, emotionally stable person does not do something like that.
Taking revenge the next time you get a good opportunity however? Humans do that, crows do that.

From a scientific viewpoint you can also say that humans exacting vengeance is a survival instinct. So what? They both do it, the only real difference is that humans are smarter.

Thatā€™s a pretty strong comparison.

It makes me wonder what goes through the head of a dog thatā€™s kicked.
It could be: "This person is now associated with painful/frightening things. I will try to remove him from my surroundings."
It could be: "I dislike this person now. I want them to suffer. Iā€™ll try hurting them just like they hurt me."
It could be: "Screw that guy! Kill him! Iā€™ll do whatever I can to damage him!"
Of course they probably formulate their thoughts in ideas/images rather than words, but you get the idea.
I honestly donā€™t know.


According to the first reply there, both humans and animals have revenge as a survival instinct.

Hey, Iā€™m not taking a particularly religious standpoint here, Iā€™m just trying to respond to anything you say I consider to be possibly false in a logical sense, in order to come to a resolution. (Yes we have a religious tangent going too right now, but thatā€™s about personal beliefs, rather than what I consider what everyone should be able to agree with.)
Weā€™ve mainly moved away from the topic of religion, thatā€™s why I replied in a seperate comment rather than continuing to edit the first one.

Oooooooohhhhh, so thatā€™s what you meant there.
Yeah, missing a comma can completely change the meaning of a sentence.
Proper grammar, spelling and punctuation can help a lot to avoid misinterpretations and makes it a lot easier to understand what youā€™re trying to say. Not that I want to nitpick, but for discussions in general it can really help a lot.

At some points I was kind of just guessing/assuming what you meant to say, so if I misunderstand anything, please point it out as soon as you can. Sorry if it sounds dicky.

That was after people forgot about him and lived bad lives.
The task of taking care of the world was given before the Original Sin, when we were still perfect humans.
Even though we suck now, weā€™re still made in His image and that task is still ours, so humans still get a superior spot among creation as far as Iā€™m concerned.

That was thanks to the scapegoat effect, but I donā€™t think you can convince the crowd to kill itself, unless you manage to make some sort of world-wide suicide-is-the-only-path-to-salvation cult. Impossible in my opinion.

Aw, it was fun discussing with ya.


Eh, those animals are not just trying to save their own lives, theyā€™re also trying to get rid of the thing that causes harm to their populationā€™s fitness, humans are the same.

Vengeance :negative_squared_cross_mark: Evil :white_check_mark:

I still donā€™t think we should get rid of humanity though. :p

Letā€™s have the rest of this post be on-topic, to avoid completely derailing the thread.

@Awdreg I donā€™t know.
I donā€™t live in the US nor do I have enough knowledge of the cultural situation there, so Iā€™ll abstain from voting.

  • Eat 500 peeled tangerines in the span of a week.
  • Eat 10 tangerine peels in the span of a week.

0 voters


Peels, because 71 tangerines a day is a hell of a lot to eat, even if I like them a lot

A discussion

the article talks about how it is still going on just at a slower what then what has been recorded, not what I would call recovering.

Nothing relies on us, we rely on an abundance of organisms

The effects of invasive species are gravely over stated especially when compared to chopping down billions of tress a year

Actually many people in the united states and Russia were totally fine with MAD, hatred and fear mongering does that to people. We have also raged wars for thousands of years and committed genocide on mass scales. and it does not take 1 person to do that, you need many people to fight a war

You seem disturbed by the violence committed by humans?

A whale eats those krill merely to survive, it does not hate the krill or feel a vengeance towards them.

unless you think a man going into a school and killing everyone is the same as a whale eating krill

Trolling?, again you seem very mad about mere facts, im having fun too just seeing how incapable people are when dealing with the truth. Please tell me what I said was a lie?

you said you were religious, you know god created all other animals before humans. Why do think this is? They came before us why is it we feel so superior then all of them?

No way we could? I guess you underestimate the power of nuclear missiles and their elongated effect on life

in check? you mean making populations go extinct? yeah really keeping those filthy animals in check

Is being a menace to the entire planet not a sin?


Taking about invasive species I will agree with you that they can cause harm. I mean look at humans, massacring every thing they come in contact with.

Whales live in the sea we came to the sea as an invasive species making some whales go in extinct and most endangered

We are the worst invasive species

When it comes to total war that is always the scenario victory at any cost, and total war is the style of many wars. For instance WW2. The russians were ready to die in the millions and destroy their own farms and infrastructure to stop the germans from reaching it. And this was not the result of on individual. The entire russian army was doing this well on the retreat. So would you consider they to be lacking sanity? if thats the case you would consider many other who have done the same tactic for thousands of years insane

ā€œMess with a crow, and it will remember your face for over five years, research shows.ā€

Vengeance? that article talks about how animals, specifically crows can remember the faces of humans who try to cause them harm. Remembering something that hurt you in vengeance? So a deer remembering not to touch a barbed wired because it will shock them is vengeance. Or animals that have been shot at getting scared or defensive you point things at them. This is not vengeance that is pure instinct and adapting to their environment to survive

if the crow spent its entire life looking for that human to harm it that would be vengeance but that was not the case because animals do not that. They act on instinct.

Whats next are you doing to kicking a dog and having it bite you means the dog is vengeful

I am saying science though, sorry your religion hinders you from accepting it.

When did i say animals dont act on survival, thats actually what i have been saying this whole time that they act on instinct and survival

he also destroyed almost of humanity with a food so he must not exactly trust our judgement

I would hope they would be meet with resistance but people have got away with their peoples support of attempting to kill an entire race of people


This shall be my last journal entry

And Iā€™ll just make my closing remarks

Humans cause more damage to earth then any other animal, to deny that is a lie

Humans far advanced inteligence leads us to commit many evils no other animal could even think to do. Like genocide

Whatever you think animals defending themselves is not vengeance. Getting beat to death and trying to save your life shows no vengeance.

Rounding millions of people into camps for slaughter is vengeance and evil.

We donā€™t just do that to other humans though

Humans are unique in the way that they are the only organism that can be evil

Hopefully we can agree that humans can be evil and animals can not. Itā€™s simply not something they posses.
The Bible says that animals can not commit evil

And God said that he will hate anyone who loves violence


Use hide details and continue discussion in edits?
Reduces clutter and avoids breaking the thread.

Going for peels too.

  • Lays
  • Doritos

0 voters


I already eat peels it has more vitamin c then the fruit

It shall be done

  • Have RMGNoob read an essay to you
  • Have ATrapper and Xaklor explain colors to you
  • Have Scorchmist give you a hug
  • Join Necro Cult
  • Have the ST Square set in real life
  • Smash Shax

0 voters

No regrets, I would smash Shax.


Iā€™m lonely I really wanna smash Shax :^)

Explain why pls

Post a Picture of Yourself Thread



