Forum like counter



Since I’ve been in the forums and most importantly, when I was on my quest to get the 50 like per day badge, I’ve had this problem when reaching the max amount of like I can give per day.
Once I use them all a message pops up saying I need to wait “x” amount of hours/minutes to give likes again but even after that time lapse is complete, as soon as I give 1-2 likes the message appears once again and I need to wait again to give more likes.
So i was wondering if it’s like a bug or the likes kinda refresh 1 by 1 instead of all of them at once able to use them again o3o


it’s probably a ratio (likes/time) and when you go over it it blocks you until it goes back to an acceptable time


Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s to prevent people from just liking everything in sight. It’s basically a way of saying “Okay, chill down with the likes for a bit”.


I thought they would refresh one by one


wait lemme try

*Likes post


You gain more likes per day as you gain more trust levels.

That said, I’m pretty sure it’s a rolling counter, where every time you try to like something it does a count of your likes in the 24 hour period immediately previous to your new like, and if you are at the limit it will stop. It does not simply reset at midnight, for example.


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