Free souless or deca to the player who answers this question [CLOSED]


I’m going to give some player a souless robe OR a deca ring (you can choose it)

To earn the reward answer this question correctly : Is Lord of the Lost Lands alive ? You need to find the answer, but it’s a little obvious, no?

Let’s go !


He’s alive up until the point the players kill him.


Lord of the Lost Lands is alive


no, because you said “is lord of the lost lands alive” you didnt say ‘the’


No one can tell if its alive or not. because there’s not only one Lord of the lost lands. There are many Lords in the entire game. oryx just spawn one on every realm. The lords are alive until they appear in the kingdom, once these dead are done. Oryx has ranks of Lords. It’s like asking if a soldier is alive. depends on which one we speak in specific


Here are my answers:

  1. The answer = the answer
  2. Lord of the Lost Lands is alive
  3. No.
  4. Its not alive. Its just a bunch of pixels


No one got it. Keep going !


He lives and reigns and conquers the world.



I don’t know because we don’t know if he exist or not because he is in a lost lands




I would like the Soulless Robe. One of the definitions of alive is as follows: “knowing or realizing the existence of something sensitive alive to the danger”. So it is obvious; no.


Clue : Thessal the Mermaid goddess




Yes, he lives and reigns and conquers the world.


You’re killing me man


You speak LIES!

If it isn’t “He lives and reigns and conquers the world” idk


He lives and reigns, and the world takes hold!


He has lived and reigned, but his realm has been lost.


He lives, reigned, but didn’t conquer the world.