Free souless or deca to the player who answers this question [CLOSED]


I mean I remeber six years ago reading in wiki that he was once the ruler, but was defeat by oryx.
But oryx never conquered the world, neither him, I believe. At least, nexus is not oryx property… only when Swatsecone, for a couple of hours :sweat_smile:


He lives, reigned, and conquered the world.
He lives, reigned, and lost the world.


he lived, reigned, and became corrupted
he lived, reigned, was a king of a spartanic kingdom


He’s dead I just killed him a couple minutes ago but I didn’t get ogmur tho


He lived, reigned, but failed to conquer the world


He lived, reigned, but was defeated by Oryx


He lives, reigned, but lost the land.
He lived, reigned and lost the land.



Ima say nothing.


You did say that he was close and then he changed the first part and you didn’t mark him as correct. Its more likely then that he had the first part correct.


This one was true. But i didn’t said that the other part was true !

He didn’t conquer the world. He conquers the ???


He lived, reigned and conquered the (lost) land xD?


He survived, reigned, and conquers the realm


He lives, reigned and conquered the (lost) land.


He lives and reigns and conquers the kingdom of ogmur
He lives and reigns and conquers the lost land


Congratulations. Souless or deca ?


Fair enough.
But I may correct you: if he is lord of the lost land, it is already his property, so already conquered.


This thread make me brain hurty


didn’t Bruno say it first




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