Game Error


I have a problem because I can’t connect to the game. When i enter by after a few seconds of loading a message appears ‘‘Connection failed! Retrying…’’ and so in infinity… If I ‘‘Playing Realm of the Mad God requires Flash. Get Flash’’. Although each of these types has always worked and adobe I also have. The only way I can connect is through steam, and I do not have an account there. I have this problem for the first time.
Can any1 help me please?


In the last patch, to my knowledge, Deca changed the packets that are sent between the server and your computer (correct me if I’m wrong)

I can’t tell from your post if you’ve tried playing through flash projector, but I think that’d be a good idea. If you already play on flash projector, make sure you’re using the latest link for realm, and the latest flash player. Good luck!


Moved to #game-discussion:tech-support


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