Goodbye giveaway ;w; [Closed]






:c sad to see you have to leave

so uhā€¦ does this have something to do with all furries being listed into the army?


Getting my first whitebag after a year of playing.


:< I hope you have a good time even without realm
(Iā€™m not entering btw, I donā€™t need the itemsā€¦ But Iā€™ll still comment)

never forgetti, white bag like spagetti.



whoa glawi what the fuck


Hey, you probably donā€™t remember me but Iā€™ve also been playing for over four years and I remember seeing you here and there and I think I even did a trade with you before, though I donā€™t really have any major memories with you.
A good experience I had in this game was getting my first white bag and entering new dungeons. I was just looking through old white bags the other day and I legit screenshot ed everything, even things I would think are normal today. I screenshoted the first time I saw a grand Sphinx, the first time I entered an ocean trench, etc. Those were the good ol days.
Another good memory was probably when Swatsec hacked Realm. I had no idea what was going on and just saw monsters throughout nexus, pretty scary at that time.


Youā€™re leaving? What?! When did this happen? Why? When? How? What? Who?

Youā€™re like one of the friendliest people in this community, you ask me to tell you a good time I had with you, but I canā€™t give a specific, youā€™re just that enjoyable to be around. Iā€™ve enjoyed all the times Iā€™ve had with you, like explaining the concepts of my dungeons for no reason whatsoever which iā€™m 99% sure you didnā€™t understand at all, and those like, 3 times we played together, that was pretty cool, I need you in my life Glawi, Atrapper can only provide so much.


@atrapper :fire:


Awww my old pic ;w;/ (actually everyday pic but Iā€™m still christmas themed xd)
I actually skipped that army thing a year ago (my dad is a lawyer from my local umm government place? idk but the military place where you need to leave your documents with is next to it so uhh he kinda helped me out xd)


Sad to see you go :(. No better experience than giving items to people that need it. I got into this game with my brother and it was tons of fun. I donā€™t know you, but you are just one of the wonderfull members of the RotMG community. Hope you come back to this game C:


A good experience with you?
I remember how I tried buying a life for 8 def from you around a year ago, and how we started to chat with each other afterwards I remember how we fell in love with each other, and I remember how it evolved into the best thing that has ever happened in my life. I remember how we roleplayed nearly every day ingame, and how we werent able to stop chatting. I remember knowing more about you than about anyone else I`ve ever gotten to know.
I remember how we took the cute couple-screenies, and how you teached me in how to crop/cut screenshots.
I remember how we exchanged Valentines, and I remember all your wonderful reactions on the little gifts I gave you.

I remember how I tried making your birthday the best day of your life, and how I seemed to have managed that by doing my very best.

I remember you crying of happyness because of me, and me crying of happyness because of you.
I remember how you showed me so many new things, and teached me so many new things.

I remember how we always dreamed of our future together, and I remember every single minute of chatting with you.

I know, I got the task wrong, I was supposed to only name ONE thing. But I memorized EVERYTHING, forever in my head.

Dont ā€œleaveā€ because of me, and the decision I made.

Look at everyone answering you here, you are NOT alone, and you have never been.

Everything else I could say has already been said in discord.

Dont do THAT, glawi. Thats just not you. That isnt the Glawi I love.

I love you, glawi. I always did


I remember one time I saw you in game and said " hi glawi" then you said ā€œhi^*!ā€ And ran into a dungeon never to be heard of again. But in that one single moment I could tell that would join the Finnish army and kill many soviets.

My favorite experience in game was when someone messaged me and said they made an account called cathtaun . They said" itā€™s for you and me to have an account together" and I was like " I donā€™t even know you though comrade" but then we became life long comrades and even saw each other irl because they live in Poland. The end ( of course thatā€™s a metaphor account sharing is against the rules and I would never so such a thing

And take care glawi


Here is a picture of my slavic cat for you, itā€™s tired from a long day of killing western spy mice

O yeah and give me these


O yes and no items for me, just here to see the ship off

give them all to @Niegil he needs them because he keeps dyeing


@Shatter What did you edit on my post? I canā€™t tell.



@everyone else
This points upwards is happening because of ME. Im responsible for this. Im sorry


you can check!


There were times when me and my brother and friends got insanely excited over just getting a metorite staff back in the days. I remember the first time I saw a life potion, which my brother got from a guildie. As an idiot he is, he accidently drank it. That was a very weird experience back then. All the way from then till now, Iā€™ve had a lot of fun with my friends, even though some of my friends quit the game a while back. The best feelings I probably had was when I got my first QOT, or when I got 8/8, which was just recently.


Sad to see any players leave the game. Not that I am any where near as active as I used to be but my best experience was when a random player called EpicProzz approached me and said do you want to do some Otā€™s. And of course I said yes. We also had a rusher called DoomDager and he rushed it about for an hour and we got many whites and mana and it was the friendliest experience I have had in realm for a long time.


I can? How?

