Gotta Run


Just a Typical Day as a Mystic.

Well, if I had bothered to put a background, I’m pretty sure it’d consist of angry players for stasising stuff and gods trying to kill me.



1)Body way too small bud, unporportional.
2)It looks like the head is as wide as the length of the two ends of the shielders!!!
3)I know people like girls with good legs but thats overboard
4)I suggest you shrink the boot to about half size
5)One arm looks fine but the other one thats more behind looks like a stick
6)Arm too short compared to leg
Basically the leg is the problem, but if you can’t fix it then its fine.

Other than that it looks good!


Can’t access tumblr in college :sweat_smile: Any way you can directly show it here?


Hot af



distinct lack of orb

But @Yarrmander me likey :+1: Better than anything I could draw :laughing:


There is one if you squint



Well, good thing about art is you can always go back and redraw. Though I think it’s harder for me to tell since usually proportions are generally relative and they tend to get skewed in perspective but i’m willing to fault I didn’t convey it that well.



legs too fucking thick


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