Guide to loot and drop rates


iirc there’s a threshold for marks, and only that.


If thats the case I wasn’t wrong then


Quality post.

Do you have any examples of the “max” parameter that might be used in today’s loot tables?


same dude


Deca AMA:

Grinds for 1000s of hours for a white bag we will never get and never know how close we are statistically to getting

I’m glad that they are increasing drop rates and make dungeons harder, this is what I and I’m sure many other players want


For what it’s worth, although thresholds are able to be different between different items, that was only common in the past. Thresholds were unified back with HP scaling, and other than a few edge cases, most drops share the same extremely low threshold that can be achieved even with a T0 weapon usually.

'Overdamage is a myth'

That confirms my suspicion. I’ve never seemed to have trouble getting loot, even with weak classes with wimpy gear, so I’ve likewise never been concerned about loot as long as I’m not acting like a coward


On a maxed character?
Or just fresh Lvl 1?


I’m seeing a lot of words but no drop rate percentages.


Vial from Malus, min=max=1


Yup! And this includes the STs, too.

Nice to see this all being handily shown in one place ^u^


this is kinda oof, im playing for almost 8 years and never got a ogmur and saw blue stars with it, its just awful for doing the same thing over and over and over (just like grinding) and never get something for doing it (like hunting for ST’s in Candy Land)


I can completly agree about this part, I even worked myself on drop recording project, and I can say that everytime I tried going through all of them, they we’re drastically changing. (Void example for white bag: 3% -> 3.80% -> 3.30% -> 4.20%).
Even tho I somewhat can say that those MIGHT be a little bit accurate, I never can say that they are actually accurate until I will get insane amount of samples, (5k-10k…) which still won’t be 100% confidence for it being this.


True, I really think there is no point in doing drop recording projects (besides your own enjoyment of doing it and being curious about it), because at the end of the day, it’s still pretty much all about RNG.
Even if the droprates you’ll get with your drop recording projects are somewhat accurate and close to the reality, there is gonna be a lot of players that are way below the “norms” of droprates, and also a lot of players that are way above them.
It’s just all luck and RNG tbh.


lmao like how you dropped that in there


But what are they gonna do about the near-useless Loot Tier Potion?


WC, Quest Chests and Shatters still get use out of it, but considering the effect isn’t even guaranteed, they’re nigh on useless. (funnily enough, a large portion of the playerbase is unaware of this and use clovers isntead of the superior… er… whatever the other one is)


Yeah, it’s only useful for places that drop a range of tiered items, which isn’t a lot of the popular end-game dungeons. It’s really only useful for that one character that does nothing but open chests


Ahaha, yes I have a dedicated char with a golden lucky clover on it to open quest chests for a while. It does wonders.


Why not just use regular clover?