Guild board limitations?


Hi all,

Sorry if i overlooked anything about this, but i did a forum search as well as a wiki search about the guild board(s). Please point me to the answer there, if needed, and close this one :wink:

I have upgraded my own guildhall for the 2nd time now, and am still only able to post about 10 lines’ worth of text on the guildboard. I was kinda hoping an upgrade would enlarge the amount of text you can put there, but now i am thinking:
Is my guildboard bugged, or has RotMG put restrictions on how much can be put on them?
(if bugged, i suppose i should send DECA a support ticket?)

Thanks for answering


Your board must be bugged as I just tried and did not seem to reach any limit in what I could post. Also I have yet to upgrade my hall. I copied and pasted more than 100 lines and they all showed up. Might need to contact Deca support on this.


ok, thanks. i hoped it wasn’t a bug, but now i will contact DECA.


Are you typing it manually, or copy/pasting it?
If copy/paste, could be some hidden character is screwing it up and breaking the board somehow.




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