Hacking [is it a priority for Deca?]


On a more personal note, which is not meant to represent the moderator team as a whole, I personally believe that the lines between “cheating” and “legit” are not nearly as clear as many of the players want to make them.

As humans, we tend to draw the lines of our morality just beyond our own behavior. Others are immoral, but we like to view ourselves in the best possible light. Personally I am willing to see things from perspectives that differ from my own. And even if I never actually share the perspective, I feel that a forum should be a place where the conversation can happen, so long as it is respectful.

So, I have had relationships with hackers, dupers, scammers, RWT site owners, exploiters, and so on. In many cases, we can still respect each other even though we disagree. But that’s just my personal philosophy.

Defining Hacking, and why is it so bad?
Poll: Do you respect hackers?

Honestly, I think Deca should focus some, but not all, of their attention to fixing exploits, hacks, notis, etc. All hackers, not a few or a select few types, ALL hackers should be dealt with accordingly. (banned) It is very annoying to play realm and almost every day see people openly hacking, using anti-debuffs, wall hacks, notis, etc. It really makes me personally feel like the player-base simply does not care about the game, and its very annoying. Deca should not have to work endlessly to fix these exploits, but they have to in order to help make the game more fun for the legit players. So yes, fixing hacks is a very worthwhile investment of their time and effort, but I also like to see new content and updates for the game, other than back end stuff to fix hacking. They have had a pretty good balance as far as fixing exploits and adding content goes, so as long as they continue down that path, fixing the occasional exploit that pops up and banning idiots that choose to hack, all the while adding new content every month or so, I’m good.


I see where your coming from. Hacks are generally bad and can ruin the game for a lot of people. However I don’t agree that people who hack don’t care about this game. I’ve been hacking since I first started playing ROTMG around 4 years ago. All my friends who were playing realm at the time sent me the hacked client over skype and I just thought this was the regular game. When I learned that this wasn’t the actual game and that you can get it on steam I felt really scummy and tried to play it on steam without hacks,and let me tell you, this game is hard to play. Most of the hacks just make the game genuinely better. Full-screen, for instance, is something that should already be put into the game in my opinion. The only hacks that I use on the hacked client are auto-aim (because I just suck), full-screen, and simple keybinds like pressing “K” to go to my vault, pressing “P” to get to a realm straight from my vault or nexus and using the function keys (F1-5) for chat binds like “/pause” or “ready”. Hacking really doesn’t ruin the quality of gameplay and doesn’t make me want to play it any less because of how “easy” it is. You can still die, you can still get a purple bag from Oryx, and you can still care about the game. If I really didn’t care I wouldn’t be play almost every day. Besides Deca could EASILY end hacking if they just constantly updated the game. Everytime they put an update in it ruins the current client that i’m using, and i’m forced to wait until someone posts an updated hacked client, and then wait for a moderator to approve it. But ruining hacks is a costly decision to make. Half of the Realm community are hackers and if you cut off that end of the spectrum then you can for sure see a huge decrease in people playing.


Hacks improve the game to some extent, making some things more smooth and easier, but auto aim is pretty crappy. The whole point of the game not aiming for you is so that you miss if you aren’t good at aiming. I do agree with you that its a costly decision to make because a good chunk of realmers will quit if hacks are completely obliterated. Also, I would generally steer away from saying you actively hack on these forums.



Yes, I’m sure this is a coming out that took a lot of bravery to make.

Seeing as this is a perma-death bullet hell, have you considered the possibility that maybe difficulty was the entire point of the game?

Classes like Wizard, Assassin or Trickster become completely OP with it. The game simply isn’t balanced around players having the ability to destroy everything from far beyond its aggro range.

I’m shit at aiming too. That’s why I practiced a lot and got better (ever so slightly). Hurdles exist in games so they can be overcome, not for you to bypass them completely.

Those aren’t “simple key binds”, what you’re describing is a reconnect hack and it’s broken as hell. Having the ability to rejoin dungeons after you fucked up and nexused, or to switch classes on the fly, utterly destroys a good portion of this game’s challenge.

No, but apparently it’s preventing you from truly experiencing what this game is about and possibly coming to the realization that this simply isn’t the game for you (and I’m not saying this in a condescending way, I’m just saying you should probably find something better suited to your personal tastes).

No. Constantly churning out updates for the sake of updates would negatively impact the overall quality of the game without making hacking impossible in the slightest, especially since the more frequent updates become the simpler they have to be, and thus making new clients would take very little time as well.

You were saying hacking had no negative impact, then right after you admit that it does have negative impacts.

You’re taking this way too seriously. Nobody cares if you suck or not, it’s a video game, not real life. Just enjoy it for what it is.


Hacking shouldn’t be a major priority for deca but should still be recognized as it can ruin the game for others by destroying the economy. A Realmeye Christmas [CLOSED]


This is completely off-topic, (ironically fits into the whole ‘non-personal attacks’ thing you were just talking about) but did you ever participate in the whole MAFIA alt-boxing WC’s/Tombs/etc. ordeal? You don’t have to answer by any means but I’m genuinely curious :wink: (my opinion of you wouldn’t drop even if you did).

As always, I’m obliged to make a comment somewhat on-topic, or I’ll start feeling guilty. After all, Mr. Eyeball is always watching you…

I’ve seen several people here say that multiboxers still exist - I have no doubt that they do - but has anyone seen a legitimate multiboxer recently? By legitimate, I mean the type that will be a complete douche to everyone else, and steals all the loot. That was the main problem about multiboxing; nobody else could play around them and hope to qualify for loot.

The unnamed ones have been deemed useless (an acquaintance informed me that he sold his multi accounts individually) unless they name them. It’s fairly risky to play on named multis because if anyone screenshots: banned.

I think what I’m trying to say here (I blame sleep deprivation) is that the impact of multiboxing has been drastically reduced. So everyone who insists they still exist, indeed they do, but that’s unfairly minimizing Deca’s effort and emphasizing an insignificant fact.

Right now, Deca’s tackling the problem of notifiers, and I can’t speak to this because I haven’t done many high-level public dungeons recently, but have you guys noticed a decrease in notifier activity?


Now that is really sad. If it’s true, it’s sad because hacking is common enough to be confused with the regular game. If you’re lying, then it’s even sadder because you’re falsely trying to justfy your cheating.

It’s sad all around because you simply gave up trying to overcome a challenge the minute you learned it was hard.

It makes me sad.


ehhhhh, but i’ve seen a large portion of multiboxers that were rather nice to other players and giving other items.


Doesn’t excuse the fact that they still ruined gameplay for everyone else. If you’ve ever played with a multiboxer in a realm/dungeon, you’d know how frustrating it was when everything instantly died. I’m already not a fan of big realms because of how bad my computer is.

You could argue that they were being ‘nice’, or you could simply say that they didn’t need the items and had to drop them [because of a full vault].

I see it like Robin Hood except not; stealing from the rich [players who used to qualify for loot] and giving it to every wanker who wanders the realm.


I honestly think that hacking doesnt have an affect. I USED to be a hacker (don’t believe me? Watch me play), and I didn’t play with auto-loot or any of the other cheap hacks like no-clip. I only played with autonexus on because I was one of those people who’d rush in for a white bag and die. As long as they turn of the cheap hacks it should be fine.


I never participated in a wine cellar with more than one account at a time.

To the best of my knowledge there has never been a controversy revolving around MAFIA alt-boxing tombs.

I don’t have hesitation about answering a question, but it would probably need to be a little more specific. I might comment on any number of things differently. MAFIA (and I) have seen our fair share of “ordeals” :wink:


I was probably too newbie to have cared, but I found these videos:

Side note: Every time you put my words in quotations, it makes me so sad :c I know I can’t words but doesn’t mean you have to make fun of me xd






u messed up


The spoiler didn’t work for some reason, perhaps it’s with videos.

Edit: @Scorchmist it works now.


seems to be breaking a lot


perhaps you should make a thread telling the realmeye forums mods to fix it



No I think I just formatted it wrong, works perfectly fine now.


Nah, that was just Morbid on his own. Can’t fucking find his YT again.

Also everybody in top guilds was alt-boxing at the time. Fuck, some people would just keep an alt on the side even when they were doing Tomb normally.

Technically, MAFIA has always been about exploits and scripts but wasn’t using modified clients (might have changed since then).

On the other hand, Tomb Raiders for example had at least one semi-competent hacker (LemonLime/MangoCorki on the forums) and one member who admitted to using modified clients before (SomeTurtle).

Hacking sites just made all that shit easier to obtain, they didn’t create anything new.


Mafia, at least during the time I was a member/leader, was always based on whether or not people for along rather than what your in game behavior was like.

One thing I will say about both of the guilds you mentioned (mafia and tomb raiders) - the view from the outside was very different from the inside. I think that’s an extremely poignant example of exactly what I mean when I say that conversations about people are less effective than conversations about ideas. The ideas on both sides of those arguments were almost completely drowned out by the rhetoric and personality conflicts.

With regard to tombs. As I mentioned, I am not aware of controversy surrounding alt boxing tombs as a guild. Tombs are optimal at between 6 and 10 characters so it never would have made sense for entire guilds to do it. So that’s why I’m not sure if the question about an ordeal.

That said, I have alt boxed many tombs. I never saw any moral qualm with physically controlling more than one account taking turns one at a time. I even asked permission from multiple dev teams and had conversations somewhat similar to the one we’re having now. Not only did I do it…I loved it.