Handwriting Thread


Drunk or not it doesn’t matter you don’t want to see my handwriting

I have to write up so many orders each day and send them off to customers

Poor customers

I have dyslexia I write backwards and can’t write straight



This is me…


I have abysmal handwriting.
just realized i wrote china instead of chinese… oops


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At request in: Story of the Shatters [2013/14]


My handwriting at 12/13:

My handwriting now (17):

It hasn’t regally changed all that much.
It was absolutely atrocious when I was 11 though, so if you want to see that I’ll go look for some old papers :sweat_smile:


How do you do that lmao


Oh lol, how do you mean? :smiley:


Hey, well, since it’s open again.

Top: how I write now.
Bottom: how I wrote about 4 years ago. From my English notebook.

I used to write really really small, to save paper. But I stopped doing that after realizing that it made my text sorta unreadable.
I still have trouble with n’s and m’s sometimes, as well as q’s and g’s, and the occassional transformation of a y into ÿ. Gwaahh, why does Dutch have that?


Write legibly, it’s so… clean! I wish I could do that.




I’m ass at drawing. Handwriting was always pretty good though!





You don’t understand how many times I wrote out the alphabet over and over again to get it to that standard. :laughing:



Oh I see


我的中文也不是很好 ;(
