Having trouble connecting on flash


Problem solved. Please close


I had this - the client has been silently updated. Realmeye isn’t up to date. Go to www.realmofthemadgod.com and use the download link under the game.


No fix, same thing happens. Also, looks like the stuff in the background that no longer moves is moving like the old version, but I’ve downloaded and replaced the .swf file so many times and it comes up with the same thing over and over


The only other thing I can think of is check the api_path on the link. Kong occasionally update that but usually that causes a stuck on Loading… error.


I already checked that and redid my entire link, but I just found the problem. For some reason, it won’t update the swf for me

Actually, it worked! PM me in game and I’ll give you your 8 life, since you were the only person to actually reply.


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