Help in cland


Need help got someone in a public candyland who refused to leave boss room, just wants to sit there so no one else can do it, what do?


Beg him to leave
Drag on him


tried dragging but he’s there and just kills them as they come


Patient game

just wait


Just leave; there is nothing of value in Cland that is worth waiting 20min over
Pixie and Fplate can be bought.


he left after a hour saying he needed to go crash a shatters opening, just played rl til he left, sent a report and plus i need crings.


Rip, good thing he left.

They should have some kind of pressure plate or key word like “ready” to spawn the bosses that are stacked.


that guy sounds like cancer


If this happens again then just kill minions if you have plenty of time, you’ll have a very nice boss chain going when they leave so that will be worth it, but if you can only be on for a limited time, then just leave. Not worth it.


Oo… you play rocket league? :thinking:


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