Help with Maxing?


I’m very, very bad at maxing. Everytime I get to LVL 20 I’m still not safe for the Godlands and there is literally no good loot at my safe zones. I end up with T6 most of the time and it doesn’t really help at the fact that the gods still surpass me even with my knowledge of them. Getting potions is difficult for me with Disconnection and average loot and I’m not even good with the trade.

Can someone help me with some advice? I’ve tried everything. I know how to play the game, but its just the fact that when I reach LVL 20 there is nothing to do to actually get better stats in game and it starts to get pointless fighting monsters with no loot at all.

Again, does anyone have advice? I’m not begging for items, I’m here for advice or pointers.

How to Max?

Ill be quick. Gain crappy items, and then right off the bat do sprite words. Dex will pay for what you need. It’s mundane but quick.

Also a good pet helps more than anything else.


Invest in a second character slot.

Make an unmaxed wizard on one slot.
Run 4 sprite worlds by dodging like a boss.

Buy whatever equips you can scrounge spending a dex on each item slot.

Run sprite worlds till the end of the world.

Sell dex for all the other pots you need to max your other character slot.

If you die, keep 4 dex in chest as backup. Remake your farming wizard.

Learn to dodge shit. If you have bad internet, learn to realize when the lag spike hits. Condition yourself to backoff or just close your window so you don’t die. Dying isn’t worth it. It never is.

Max your other char slot. I’d go with knight, but that’s just personal preference, and I have a semi decent pet. Rogue is another option but you’d want a maxed rare pet at least. Rogue’s are a good second class cause you can then consistently farm sewers for def pots. Knights you can basically run abysses all knight long.

LEARN TO FUCKING DODGE. Don’t rely on that measely excuse of a pet. Learn to play without the damn thing, all the old schoolers know how to.

If you follow my advice to the T, you’ll be fine. Invest in your pet once you’ve begun consistently farming. I only max my farming wiz to 4/8 (att, def, spd, dex) cause that’s all you need on a farming wiz.

DO NOT DO EVENTS OR OTHER DUNGEONS. You’ll die. Dying ain’t worth it my friend.

Grind. Git gud. Lmk if ya need more.

Invest in the pet. It’s the only perma aspect in this perma death game.


Play a safe wizard and farm pots in glands. Only thing you needa know is how to dodge and spell bomb. Send me an @ in this thread and I’ll help you max

  1. Make a Wizard or Priest. (Wizard will be better imo)

  2. Just try to get a level 8 weapon/robe, level 4 ability, and a para hp/def.

  3. Play in the godlands. Keep your range from things, learn to screen rotate, with your character off centre. There are youtube videos if you need help with this. Spell bombs are your friends, use them a lot.

  4. Kill the little star things around sprite gods, and run sprite worlds. There are YouTube tutorials on how to do them unmaxed. 3 dex will easily get you a def pot in USW3.


What if I don’t have a second character slot?


It doesn’t work when I have +22 DEF, I get murdered.


Buy one


I can’t, I’m trying to find a way to max from scratch without this pay to win factor.


Character Slots aren’t “P2W”. It’s just really really really useful. Also you can’t win in this game unless you are entitled to your own goals.

And also 10 dollars is worth nothing.


I’m trying to do this from scratch though. My other account with the realm gold got popped during DDoS and I don’t want to whine about it. I’m asking for a way to start from scratch.


Alright. I’d just grab a wizard and try to snatch Godland/Chest gear and farm godlands for pots.

Once you get enough pots to the point where you can max characters, convert the pots into life by trading. And keep farming godlands, sprites, snakepits for non stop for wealth.


If you really have that many problems with even staying alive in glands its probably better to do it with a necro or priest.


Then just drink pots on the wiz. Max dex, then def, then att and spd.
I have 1 char slot at the moment, and I’m doing exactly what I’ve told you to do.

Just keep one thing in mind, greed will kill you. Learn to nexus quickly. I always have my finger on the nexus key when I tp into the god lands, because I know I could tp to a drag, and being a robe class that’s certain death.

But the wizard is a phenomenal beginner class, able to compete with melee classes dps wise, once you can land spell bombs - which is ezpz once you get the hang of the class.

Only other advice I’d have is learn to rotate and play off-center. Rotation makes the game so much more versatile, and fun as well. You can practice rotation, just pick a rock or something and learn to circle it, and maybe even practice spell-bombing.

Lmk if you need more tips or anything.



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