Heroic Dungeons


Sorry for missplelling and what not its like 1 am and I’m dead tired, anyways:
I was thinking about how cool heroic abbys and UDLS are, and was wondering what people thought about them, do you like them? Do you think Deca will add a way to obtain the keys again? Will deca add in more? Like a heroic snake pit? Anyone have suggestions for what they could do?


From what I see, Deca probably won’t make another heroic dungeons atleast until unity. As for the habyss and hudl unlikely but possibly will appear as another event next year.

I think Deca has switched their attention from Heroic Dungeon and Alien Event to Challenger Mode. So there won’t be any heroic dungeons for the time being :frowning:

I would be surprised if somehow habyss and hudl appear in the challenger mode.


I’m a bit conflicted about them, both in concept and in execution.
They were mostly seen as just “lazy buffed-up pre-existing dungeons”, which holds true aside from the bosses’ new phase.
I really like most of those (except that dumbass double-tentacle phase of Malphas, god), since they change the bosses from their otherwise (subjectively) badly-aged WS design to a more interesting version. albeit slightly imbalanced in some cases.

I’m not sure how to feel about them splitting them into completely seperate dungeons, though - as in, to remove the template dungeon and boss and make it something wholly new. This would just add to the already pretty full roster of dungeons.

Personally, I’d just like Malphas to not use such generic shot types anymore…


Other than being a boring buffed version of pre-existing dungeons with ridiculous phases? Other than being the annoying crap that destroyed the game’s economy and ruined so many experiences? No, I don’t think so.

I’m not going to attack DECA directly, saying that these additions are lazy ways to make more money, since I understand that they are no big company.

However, Heroics ARE unnecessary and boring. The idea of grinding of WIS and VIT Potions is now shattered. So many new players that jumped in around this time can’t even IMAGINE what it was like without these extra-dungeons HANDING items TWICE their original values.

Don’t get me into the Heroic pops, because I don’t have to. Sitting around at the bottom of the Nexus, waiting for pops isn’t the way this game was meant to be. And though this may creep into the ENTIRE gameplay of RotMG, we all know it’s true.

I haven’t played RotMG for some time now, but I think I know enough about this topic. Everyone seemed to be having a great time because they were getting so many Potions and STs and UTs, but secretly we all (at least I) knew we weren’t getting the right experience.

I think Heroic Dungeons played a major role on my drifting from this game.


EPIC BUMP you all probably know why


Yea xD The event is shit tho.


I personally love them. IMO Habby is FAR harder than Hudl and with much less reward. (Yes, I’m talkin shit on the 800FP Dblade LuL.) But yo my heart skipped a beat when you said

^^^ :heart_eyes: ^^^


They should add a heroic cland, snake pit, and maybe a toned down heroic shatts were no pets but its not ass buffed and its just a boss fight with much higher white/st drops and greater life/mana.


add heroic pirate cave no that’s ddocks, hmmm

maybe add heroic forest ma- there’s wlabs…


can someone continue this shitpost i’m too lazy to type


They are epic dungeons, not heroic


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