Hi long time no see


Hi long see no time
Post must be at least 20 characters for some reasons




Who are you again


He’s @IlDudino :+1:t5:


I don’t know who that is :eyes:


Give him 8 life plz




Yeah he’s the guy with a smaller cat than me. :P


Old forums users rise up.


Only old forumers remember this guy.
But seriously, fucc why is this guy back, hhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHH


Wasint he here 2 or 3 months back.

Old forumers might not eve know him. Example: scorchmist


Trust me, old forumers wish they didn’t remember him


the joke-------->

Your head

But anyways, he was here a couple months back but somewhy he’s back again. I’m not really peachy keen about the idea of his BS coming back


im not old i’m only 2 months old


Wasn’t presented as a joke in any way and also shouldn’t a joke be funny?


v nice meet to you is now very


Hello nice two meet him, i suffer from various mental disorders


Eh, sorry about that, it was a reference to a meme format, sorry again


Hello :wave: :sweat_smile:

Isn’t there an introduction thread or something for this?


Ehh, look at this.

but honestly, my brain can only remember a certain amount of people. So even people who post a lot of generic posts get forgotten pretty quick.

sorry for bumping this…topic…